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Лермонтов биография на английском языке – Тема Биография Лермонтова на английском языке: диалоги, сочинение

Тема Биография Лермонтова на английском языке: диалоги, сочинение

  • Родиться – be born [bi bɔ:n]
  • Биография — biography [baɪˈɒɡrəfi]
  • Автор — author [ˈɔːθə]
  • Образование — education [ˌedʒʊˈkeɪʃn̩]

Михаил Юрьевич Лермонтов – один из самых известных русских поэтов, произведения которого входят в классику русской литературы.

Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov is one of the most famous Russian poets, whose works are included in the classics of Russian literature.

Родился он в Москве 15 октября 1814 года.

He was born in Moscow on October 15, 1814.

Его родителями были дворянин Юрий Лермонтов и Мария Арсеньева, принадлежавшая к богатому и знатному роду Столыпиных.

His parents were a nobleman, Yuri Lermontov, and Maria Arsenyeva, who belonged to the rich and noble family of the Stolypin.

Через два года после рождения Михаила его мать умерла, и бабушка по матери взяла мальчика к себе на воспитание.

Two years after the birth of Michael, his mother died, and his maternal grandmother took the boy into her care.

В 12 лет Лермонтов поступил в университетский благородный пансион.

At age 12, Lermontov entered the university noble boarding house.

Писать стихи Лермонтов начал в пансионе в 1828 году.

Lermontov began to write poems in a boarding house in 1828.

В сентябре 1830 года молодой человек поступил в Московский университет.

In September 1830, a young man entered Moscow University.

В 1834 году окончил Санкт-Петербургскую гвардейскую школу.

In 1834 he graduated from the St. Petersburg Guards School.

Сочинение о Лермонтове на английском языке

Самыми известными произведениями Лермонтова являются роман «Герой нашего времени», поэмы «Демон», «Мцыри», «Песня про купца Калашникова», стихи «Парус», «Смерть поэта» и многие другие.

В 1837 году за стихотворение «Смерть поэта» Лермонтов был арестован и отправлен в ссылку на Кавказ. Благодаря бабушке в 1838 году Лермонтов снова вернулся в петербургский свет.

За дуэль с сыном французского посла поэт снова отправлен в ссылку на Кавказ в 1840 году, где участвует в военных действиях. Возвращаясь со второй ссылки, Лермонтов встретил старого товарища. У них произошла ссора, в результате которой Мартынов вызвал поэта на дуэль.

Михаил Юрьевич Лермонтов был убит на дуэли, которая произошла в Пятигорске.

Трагическая смерть Лермонтова произошла 15 июля 1841 года. Ему было всего 26 лет.


The most famous works of Lermontov are the novel “The Hero of Our Time”, the poem “The Demon”, “Mtsyri”, “The Song of the Merchant Kalashnikov”, the poems “The Sail”, “The Poet’s Death” and many others.

In 1837, for the poem “Death of a Poet”, Lermontov was arrested and sent into exile to the Caucasus. Thanks to his grandmother in 1838, Lermontov returned to the light of St. Petersburg again.

For a duel with the son of the French ambassador, the poet was again sent to exile in the Caucasus in 1840, where he participated in hostilities. Returning from the second link, Lermontov met an old comrade. They had a quarrel, which resulted in Martynov summoning the poet to a duel.

Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov was killed in a duel that occurred in Pyatigorsk.

The tragic death of Lermontov occurred July 15, 1841. He was only 26 years old.

Диалог о Михаиле Лермонтове

— Кто такой Лермонтов?

— Это великий писатель! Ты должен знать его стихи. Ты читал «Мцыри»?

— О, да. Это хорошо известная романтическая поэма, и она мне очень понравилась.

— Это поэма Лермонтова, написанная в 1839 году.

— Who is Lermontov?

— This is a great writer! You should know his poems. Have you read “Mtsyri”?

— Oh yeah. This is a well-known romantic poem, and I really liked it.

— This is a poem by Lermontov, written in 1839.

Михаил Лермонтов биография на английском

Михаил Лермонтов биография на английском языке представлена в этой статье.

Михаил Юрьевич Лермонтов биография на английском

Mikhail Lermontov was born in 1814 into an aristocratic Russian family and grew up in a trilingual environment. His ancestor was the Scottish Knight George Lermont, who came to Russia in 1613 and served the Tsar. Lermontov’s grandmother hired a Frenchman, named Jean, who became a servant to the young poet. In addition his nanny was German. His mother died when he was 2 years old, and his grandmother took him away from his father. Lermontov graduated from a boarding school for the sons of the nobility in Moscow, where he studied English literature.

At age 14 he wrote «The prisoner of the Caucasus» and other early poems in the vein of Lord Byron and Shelly. From 1828-32 he studied at Moscow University. From 1832-34 he was a cadet at the Emperor’s School of Cavalry Guards in St. Petersburg, from which he graduated as an Officer of the Imperial Cavalry Guards. At that time her wrote «Borodino», dedicated to the 1812 victory over Napoleon.

Lermontov was stunned by the duel and death of Alexander Pushkin and accused the autocratic Tsar Nicholas I and his «greedy throng around the Throne» in the «murder of the Genius». Arrested and exiled to the war in the mountains of Caucasus, he distinguished himself in battles and returned to the capital of St. Petersburg as a celebrity. His disillusionment in the aristocratic milieu, and his indignant observations of the Metropolitan vanity fair, occasioned his drama, «Masquerade».

His duel with a French diplomat led to his second exile to the war in the Caucasus. In 1839 he finished his first and only novel «A Hero of Our Time» with a prophetic rendition of a duel which paralleled the end of his own life in July 1841. That duel was possibly the work of the Tsar’s conspiracy against yet another rebellious genius. Lermontov’s dexterous command of language shines in such masterpieces as «The Cliff», «Prophet», «The Dream». His sacrilegious «Demon», about an angel who falls in love with a mortal woman, inspired Anton Rubinstein on writing a lush opera. Boris Pasternak was influenced by Lermontov’s mellifluent lines, and Vladimir Nabokov imitated the structural patterns of «The Hero of Our Time».

М.Ю.Лермонтов — биография на английском

Mikhail Lermontov (15. 10 [O.S. 3.10] 1814 – 27.07 [O.S. 15.07] 1841) — Russian writer and poet.Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov was born on 15 October 1814 in Moscow. He spent his childhood in the village of Tarkhany which was located in Penza Oblast. As the saying goes in the 17th century one of the Scottish Earls of Learmont settled in Russia and Mikhail was his descendant. Scientists also made a supposition that famous Scottish poet Thomas Learmonth was his relative. According to established fact Mikhail Lermontov was a descendant of Yuri (George) Learmont who was a Scottish officer. In the 17th century he moved to Russia.Mikhail’s father, Yuri, was a serviceman. His mother Maria Arsenyeva died when Mikhail was a child. Lermontov’s grandmother, Yelizaveta Alekseyevna, brought him up after Maria’s death. At the age of ten Mikhail had problems with health and they moved to the Caucasus. The fertile climate of this region was good for Mikhail. From that time he loved the Caucasus.Lermontov spent his childhood in the intellectual atmosphere and he became interested in English literature. He studied Byron’s poetry. When Mikhail was a child he was taught by a Frenchman named Gendrot. But Yelizaveta Alekseyevna decided that additional education was necessary for her grandson and took him to Moscow where the young poet entered the gymnasium. While there Lermontov developed a passion for the poetry of Zhukovsky and Pushkin. After a while he met Katerina Khvostovaya whom he loved. Lermontov inscribed some poems to her. At the same time the young poet developed a talent for sarcastic humor. Moreover he could draw caricatures and pin somebody down with an epigram or nickname.In 1830 after studying at gymnasium Mikhail entered Moscow University. That year his father died and this event made a lasting impression on him. Lermontov’s sorrow was apparent in his poems «Forgive me, Will we Meet Again?» and «The Terrible Fate of Father and Son». Lermontov was not a student for a long time. In 1832 because of misunderstanding with professor Malov he left the university.After studying for two years at university Lermontov decided to change his career choice. Between 1830 and 1834 Lermontov attended the cadet school. In those years he started writing poetry. He became interested in Russian history and medieval epics and it was apparent in some his poems including the Song of the Merchant Kalashnikov and Borodino.In 1837 Pushkin died. His death produced a strong impression on Lermontov. Consequently he wrote a poem “Death of the Poet” which displeased the Tsar. Lermontov was immediately exiled to the Caucasus. But this region was native for him because he spent there his childhood.In 1838 and 1839 Lermontov was in Saint Petersburg. Mikhail loved Barbara Lopukhina and he described his love in the novel Princess Ligovskaya which he didn’t complete. In 1840 the son of French ambassador challenged Lermontov to a duel. As a result Mikhail returned to the army. He joined hand-to-hand combat at the Battle of the Valerik River. This event was a basis for his poem Valerik. By 1839 Lermontov wrote one of his famous novels, A Hero of Our Time. Mikhail Lermontov became a great poet of Russian literature. He is also called “the poet of the Caucasus”. Lermontov was a founder of the Russian psychological novel.In July 1841 because of Lermontov’s joke Nikolai Martynov challenged him to a duel. Martynov killed Lermontov with his first shot. Mikhail Lermontov was interred at Tarkhany.

Оцени ответ

My Favourite Writer (M. Lermontov) – Мой любимый писатель (М. Лермонтов)

One of Russia’s most celebrated poets of all times, Michael Lermontov was born in Moscow in the family of a nobleman. He spent his childhood and youth in Tarckany, in the province of Penza.

In 1830 Lermontov entered the Moscow University, but very soon he had to leave it. Then he entered St. Petersburg School of Cavalry Cadets. He finished it and served in the Hussar Regiment of the Imperial Guard.

In 1837 the poet was exiled to the Caucasus for his poem “Poets Death”. In 1840 Lermontov was exiled to the Caucasus for the second time. He was provoked into personal quarrel with his schoolmate. The quarrel led to a duel. On July 15th, 1841 the poet was killed. He was not even 27 at that time.

Lermontov began writing when he was very young. One of his first writings to be published was his verse tale “Hadji Arbek”.

But he won fame as a poet after his poem “Poets Death” was published. Lermontov’s poems “Demon”Mtsyri” his great novel “A Hero of Our Time” and his play “Masquerade” are masterpieces of Russian literature.

Whether he wrote poetry, drama or prose, the stamp of his genius was to be found on his works. Lermontov’s influence as of a poet and a thinker on all Russian writes can’t be overestimated.

Мой любимый писатель (М. Лермонтов)

Один из наиболее знаменитых поэтов России всех времен, Михаил Лермонтов родился в Москве в семье дворянина. Он провел свое детство и молодость в Тарханах Пензенской губернии.

В 1830 г. Лермонтов поступил в Московский университет, но вскоре вынужден был оставить учебу. Тогда он поступил в Санкт-петербургскую Школу кавалерийских юнкеров. Он закончил ее и служил в полку императорской охраны.

В 1837 г. поэт был сослан на Кавказ за свое стихотворение “Смерть поэта”. В 1840 г. Лермонтов был сослан на Кавказ второй раз. Его спровоцировали на личную ссору с товарищем. Ссора привела к дуэли. 15-го июля 1841 г. поэт был убит. Ему не было даже 27 лет.

Лермонтов начал писать, когда он был еще очень молод. Одним из его первых опубликованных произведений был рассказ в стихах “Хаджи Арбек”.

Как поэт он стал известным после того, как было опубликовано его стихотворение “Смерть поэта”. Стихи Лермонтова “Демон”, “Мцыри”, роман “Герой нашего времени” и пьеса “Маскарад” являются шедеврами российской литературы.

Писал ли он поэзию, драму или прозу, печать гения лежала на всех его работах. Влияние Лермонтова как поэта и мыслителя на всю русскую письменность невозможно переоценить.

Топик по английскому языку My Favourite Writer (M. Lermontov)

One of Russia’s most celebrated poets of all times, Michael Lermontov was born in Moscow in the family of a nobleman. He spent his childhood and youth in Tarckany, in the province of Penza.

In 1830 Lermontov entered the Moscow University, but very soon he had to leave it. Then he entered St. Petersburg School of Cavalry Cadets. He finished it and served in the Hussar Regiment of the Imperial Guard.

In 1837 the poet was exiled to the Caucasus for his poem «Poets Death». In 1840 Lermontov was exiled to the Caucasus for the second time. He was provoked into personal quarrel with his schoolmate. The quarrel led to a duel. On July 15th, 1841 the poet was killed. He was not even 27 at that time.

Lermontov began writing when he was very young. One of his first writings to be published was his verse tale «Hadji Arbek».

But he won fame as a poet after his poem «Poets Death» was published. Lermontov’s poems «Demon» «Mtsyri» his great novel «A Hero of Our Time» and his play «Masquerade» are masterpieces of Russian literature.

Whether he wrote poetry, drama or prose, the stamp of his genius was to be found on his works. Lermontov’s influence as of a poet and a thinker on all Russian writes can’t be overestimated.

Перевод топика: Мой любимый писатель (М. Лермонтов)

Мой любимый писатель (М. Лермонтов)

Один из наиболее знаменитых поэтов России всех времен, Михаил Лермонтов родился в Москве в семье дворянина. Он провел свое детство и молодость в Тарханах Пензенской губернии.

В 1830 г. Лермонтов поступил в Московский университет, но вскоре вынужден был оставить учебу. Тогда он поступил в Санкт-петербургскую Школу кавалерийских юнкеров. Он закончил ее и служил в полку императорской охраны.

В 1837 г. поэт был сослан на Кавказ за свое стихотворение «Смерть поэта». В 1840 г. Лермонтов был сослан на Кавказ второй раз. Его спровоцировали на личную ссору с товарищем. Ссора привела к дуэли. 15-го июля 1841 г. поэт был убит. Ему не было даже 27 лет.

Лермонтов начал писать, когда он был еще очень молод. Одним из его первых опубликованных произведений был рассказ в стихах «Хаджи Арбек».

Как поэт он стал известным после того, как было опубликовано его стихотворение «Смерть поэта». Стихи Лермонтова «Демон», «Мцыри», роман «Герой нашего времени» и пьеса «Маскарад» являются шедеврами российской литературы.

Писал ли он поэзию, драму или прозу, печать гения лежала на всех его работах. Влияние Лермонтова как поэта и мыслителя на всю русскую письменность невозможно переоценить.

М.Ю.Лермонтов — биография на английском

М.Ю.Лермонтов — биография на английском


Mikhail Lermontov (15. 10 [O.S. 3.10] 1814 – 27.07 [O.S. 15.07] 1841) — Russian writer and poet.Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov was born on 15 October 1814 in Moscow. He spent his childhood in the village of Tarkhany which was located in Penza Oblast. As the saying goes in the 17th century one of the Scottish Earls of Learmont settled in Russia and Mikhail was his descendant. Scientists also made a supposition that famous Scottish poet Thomas Learmonth was his relative. According to established fact Mikhail Lermontov was a descendant of Yuri (George) Learmont who was a Scottish officer. In the 17th century he moved to Russia.Mikhail’s father, Yuri, was a serviceman. His mother Maria Arsenyeva died when Mikhail was a child. Lermontov’s grandmother, Yelizaveta Alekseyevna, brought him up after Maria’s death. At the age of ten Mikhail had problems with health and they moved to the Caucasus. The fertile climate of this region was good for Mikhail. From that time he loved the Caucasus.Lermontov spent his childhood in the intellectual atmosphere and he became interested in English literature. He studied Byron’s poetry. When Mikhail was a child he was taught by a Frenchman named Gendrot. But Yelizaveta Alekseyevna decided that additional education was necessary for her grandson and took him to Moscow where the young poet entered the gymnasium. While there Lermontov developed a passion for the poetry of Zhukovsky and Pushkin. After a while he met Katerina Khvostovaya whom he loved. Lermontov inscribed some poems to her. At the same time the young poet developed a talent for sarcastic humor. Moreover he could draw caricatures and pin somebody down with an epigram or nickname.In 1830 after studying at gymnasium Mikhail entered Moscow University. That year his father died and this event made a lasting impression on him. Lermontov’s sorrow was apparent in his poems «Forgive me, Will we Meet Again?» and «The Terrible Fate of Father and Son». Lermontov was not a student for a long time. In 1832 because of misunderstanding with professor Malov he left the university.After studying for two years at university Lermontov decided to change his career choice. Between 1830 and 1834 Lermontov attended the cadet school. In those years he started writing poetry. He became interested in Russian history and medieval epics and it was apparent in some his poems including the Song of the Merchant Kalashnikov and Borodino.In 1837 Pushkin died. His death produced a strong impression on Lermontov. Consequently he wrote a poem “Death of the Poet” which displeased the Tsar. Lermontov was immediately exiled to the Caucasus. But this region was native for him because he spent there his childhood.In 1838 and 1839 Lermontov was in Saint Petersburg. Mikhail loved Barbara Lopukhina and he described his love in the novel Princess Ligovskaya which he didn’t complete. In 1840 the son of French ambassador challenged Lermontov to a duel. As a result Mikhail returned to the army. He joined hand-to-hand combat at the Battle of the Valerik River. This event was a basis for his poem Valerik. By 1839 Lermontov wrote one of his famous novels, A Hero of Our Time. Mikhail Lermontov became a great poet of Russian literature. He is also called “the poet of the Caucasus”. Lermontov was a founder of the Russian psychological novel.In July 1841 because of Lermontov’s joke Nikolai Martynov challenged him to a duel. Martynov killed Lermontov with his first shot. Mikhail Lermontov was interred at Tarkhany.

Презентация по творчеству М.Ю. Лермонтова на английском языке . «Парус»

Слайд 2

Mihail Lermontov was born On the 15(th) of October in 1814 near Pyatigorsk

Слайд 3

Lermontov ‘s parents His father, capitan Yuri Petrovich Lermontov (1787-1831), His mother — Maria M., nee. Arsenyeva (1795-1817).

Слайд 4

Childhood of a poet The childhood of the poet was held in the Arsenyev’s estate Tarkhany in Penza province. In the summer of 1825, the grandmother had got Lermontov to the Caucasus; children’s experiences of Caucasian nature and life of the mountain peoples remained in his early works («the Caucasus,» 1830; «the Blue mountains of the Caucasus, I welcome you!..», 1832).

Слайд 5

Lermontov in Moscow In 1827 the family moved to Moscow, and in 1828, Lermontov is credited with pansiona 4-th class of the Moscow University noble boarding school, where he received a liberal education. Already in Tarkhany, Lermontov’s keen interest in literature and poetic creativity. Already the pension is determined by the preferred orientation of Lermontov, A. S. Pushkin, Byronic poem. Byronic poem becomes the basis of early works by Lermontov.

Слайд 6

Sushkova is associated with the lyrical loop 1830 [«To Sushkova», «Beggar», «Stanzas» («Look how my eyes…»), «Night,» «Imitation of Byron» («At your feet don’t…»), «I do not love you: passion …»]. Apparently, the Lermontov is experiencing even more severe, albeit short-term sense.. F. Ivanova (1813-1875), daughter of playwright F. F. Ivanov.

Слайд 7

Lermontov in St.Petersburg 1834 — Lermontov defined in the life-guard hussar regiment, standing in Tsarskoye Selo. The main time Lermontov spent in St. Petersburg.

Слайд 8

Lermontov in Caucasus In February, 1837. for the poem «death of a poet» (a response to the death of Alexander Pushkin) was transferred with the same rank in the Nizhny Novgorod Dragoon regiment in the Caucasus. There was an acquaintance of Lermontov and Belinsky and exiled Decembrists.

Слайд 9

3 Jan 1838. Lermontov returned from exile. At this time was published «the Song about merchant Kalashnikov…», «Tambov Treasurer», «Duma», «the Poet», «Three palm trees» ..

Слайд 10

In 1838-40 wrote the novel «Hero of our time»

Слайд 11

18 Feb 1840. for the duel with the son of a French Ambassador De barante was arrested and imprisoned in the Ordinance-Gauss, and then again sent to the Caucasus. In the Caucasus, Lermontov took part in all military operations, «surprising his prowess old Caucasian dzhigits.»

Слайд 12

15 Jul 1841. a duel with N. Martynov Lermontov was killed. He was buried in the cemetery in Pyatigorsk, in April 1842, the coffin with his body was moved and reburied in Tarkhany in the family cemetery.

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