Химическая связь наименее прочна в молекуле бромоводорода: Attention Required! | Cloudflare
Тест «Химическая связь»
1. Какое из указанных веществ имеет ковалентную неполярную связь:
1) KCl, 2) h3, 3) h3S, 4) SO2
- Между атомами каких химических элементов химическая связь будет иметь ионный характер:
- N и O; 2) Si и Cl; 3) Na и O; 4) P и Br
- Только ковалентная связь наблюдается в соединении с формулой: 1) Ba(OH)2, 2) h3SO4, 3) Li2CO3, 4) Nh5NO3
- Неполярная ковалентная связь наблюдается в веществе: 1) углекислом газе, 2) аммиаке, 3) алмазе, 4) воде.
- Химическая связь наиболее прочна в молекуле: 1) йода, 2) хлора, 3) кослорода, 4) азота.
- В каком из соединений число общих электронных пар между атомами максимально: 1) h3, 2) N2, 3) HCl, 4) F2
- В молекуле какого вещества содержится ковалентная неполярная связь: 1) воде, 2) поваренной соли, 3) водороде, 4) магнии
- В каком веществе наблюдается металлическая связь: 1) мышьяк, 2) галлий, 3) фосфор, 4) йод
- Химическая связь наименее прочна в молекуле: 1) бромоводорода, 2) хлороводорода, 3) йодоводорода, 4) фтороводорода
- Число общих электронных пар между атомами брома в молекуле Br2 равно: 1) 1, 2) 2, 3) 3, 4) 4
- В узлах металлической кристаллической решетки находятся: 1) атомы металла, 2) ионы металла, 3) атомы и ионы металла, 4) верного ответа нет
- Ковалентной неполярной связью характеризуется пара веществ: 1) водород и графит, 2) кислород и алюминий, 3) хлор и аргон, 4) азот и аммиак.
- Какая кристаллическая решетка характерна для алмаза: 1) молекулярная, 2) металлическая, 3) ионная, 4) атомная
- В каком ряду все вещества имеют молекулярную кристаллическую решетку: 1) мел, кислород, вода, 2) водород, серная кислота, вода, 3) поваренная соль, азот, хлороводород, 4) графит, сера, соляная кислота.
- В каком ряду все вещества имеют атомную кристаллическую решетку: 1) медь, алмаз, фосфор, 2) графит, кварц, кремнезем, 3) бор, кремний, гидроксид натрия, 4) хлорид калия, оксид кремния, алмаз
- Для веществ с какой кристаллической решеткой характерны высокая твердость, прочность, тугоплавкость, электро- и теплопроводность: 1) атомной, 2) молекулярной, 3) металлической, 4) ионной
- Какая кристаллическая решетка характерна для воды: 1) атомная, 2) молекулярная, 3) ионная, 4) металлическая
- Какая связь наблюдается в молекуле аммиака: 1) ковалентная неполярная, 2) ковалентная полярная, 3) ионная, 4) металлическая
- Выберите аллотропную модификацию углерода: 1) озон, 2) алмаз, 3) кристаллическая сера, 4) кремнезем
- Аллотропной модификацией кислорода является: 1) азот, 2) озон, 3) графит, 4) алмаз
- Только ионные связи имеют место в веществе: 1) пероксид натрия, 2) гашеная известь, 3) медный купорос, 4) поваренная соль
- Одна из связей образована по донорно-акцепторному механизму в молекуле: 1) водорода, 2) пероксида водорода, 3) хлорида аммония, 4) аммиака
- Немолекулярное строение имеет: 1) железо, 2) водород, 3) кислород, 4) угарный газ
- Водородная связь реализуется: 1) в молекуле водорода, 2) в молекуле воды, 3) между молекулами водорода, 4) между молекулами воды
- Выберите вещества, имеющие только ионную связь: 1) хлорид натрия, 2) сульфат бария, 3) йодид кальция, 4) углекислый газ, 5) фторид калия
- Выберите вещества, имеющие только ковалентную полярную связь: 1) вода, 2) кислород, 3) фтор, 4) углекислый газ, 5) этанол
- Выберите вещества, имеющие атомную кристаллическую решетку: 1) красный фосфор, 2) озон, 3) кремнезем, 4) бор, 5) белый фосфор
30 октября 2018
10 — 11 классы
название вещества: тип связи:
1) хлороводород а) ионная
2) медь б) ковалентная неполярная
3) сера кристаллическая в) металлическая
4) фторид натрия г) ковалентная полярная
5) оксид бария
6) метан
2. Между атомами каких элементов химическая связь будет иметь ионный характер? а) Li и F; б) О и C; в) S и Cl ; г) Si и Н
3. Ковалентная связь отличается от ионной: а) большей длиной связи; б)меньшей энергией; в)насыщаемостью; г) меньшей длиной.
4. Химическая связь наименее прочна в молекуле: а) бромоводорода;
б) хлороводорода; в) йодоводорода; г) фтороводорода.
5. Число общих электронных пар между атомами брома в молекуле Br2 равно: а)одному; б)двум; в) трем; г) четырем.
6. Орбитали s- и p- и p- и s- соответственно перекрываются в молекулах веществ: а) НСl и NН3; б) Н2 и СН4 ; в) Н2 и РСl3; г)F2 и СО2.
7. Число σ– и π-связей между атомами азота в молекуле N2 равно соответственно: а) 1 и 1; б) 2 и 1; в)1 и 2; г) 1 и 3.
8. В молекулах какого соединения имеется ковалентная неполярная связь?
а) СS2; б) Н2О2; в) СОСl2; г) СН3ОН.
9.В узлах металлической кристаллической решетки находятся:
а) атомы металла; б) ионы металла; в) атомы и ионы металла;
г) верного ответа нет.
10. Укажите название вещества, молекулы которого способны к образованию водородных связей:
а) метанол; б) этан; в) гидрид кальция; г) водород.
1. 1-г, 2-в, 3-б, 4-а, 5-а, 6-г.
2. а
3. в
4. в
5. а
6. а
7. в
8. б
9. б
10. а
30 октября 2018
Рейтинг: 5.0
90000 11.5: Hydrogen Bonds — Chemistry LibreTexts 90001 90002 H-bonding occurs in water. In the liquid state they are rapidly being formed and broken as the mobile particles move over each other. Note in figure \ (\ PageIndex {2} \) that there are two type of O-H bonds, the intramolecular O-H bond within a molecule (bond length = 1.01Å) and the intermolecular bond between atoms (bond length = 1.75Å). The closeness of the bond length indicates that the intramolecular bond is very strong, and of comparable magnitude to the intramolecular one.On a macroscopic scale this is obvious to anyone who falls on ice (frozen water) and quickly realizes how hard it is, and how strong the bonds are that hold the water molecules to each other. 90003 90002 90005 90006 Figure \ (\ PageIndex {2} \) 90007: 90008 90005 Hydrogen bonding interactions within water. Note the similarity in length between the intermolecular O — H bond, and the intramolecular O-H bond. 90008 90003 90002 Water also has two lone pairs and two H atoms attached to the highly electronegative oxygen.This means each water molecule can participate in up to 4 bonds (two where it is the h-bond acceptor, and two where it is the h-bond donor). One interesting consequence of this is that water forms a 3D crystalline structure that is sort of based on a distorted tetrahedron. That is, the oxygen is sp 90013 3 90014 hybridized with a tetrahedral electronic geometry, having two bonding orbitals and two lone pairs. All of these are involved with hydrogen bonds. The lone pairs are functioning as H-bond acceptors, and the hydrogen on the bonding orbitals are functioning as h-bond donors.So each oxygen is attached to 4 hydrogens, two are 1.01Å covalent bonds and two are 1.75 Å hydrogen bonds, and this results in a structure like figure 11.5.3, which has lots of void space, and the consequence that ice is less dense than liquid water and floats. 90003 90002 The fact that ice floats has great ramifications for life. The ice, with it’s void space, acts as an insulator. If the ice sunk to the bottom, lakes would completely freeze and aquatic life like fish would not be able to survive the winters.90003 90018 H-bonding and Boiling Points 90019 90002 Boiling points are an indicator of intermolecular forces, and we will look at the phenomena of boiling in more detail in a later section of this chapter. From the kinetic molecular theory of gases we learned that the kinetic energy of a molecule is proportional to its absolute temperature, where KE 90021 Translation 90022 = 1 / 2mv 90013 2 90014, (m is the mass, and v is the velocity). We also learned that there is a velocity profile with different molecules moving at different speeds, but that heavier molecules tend to move slower than lighter ones (remember macroscopic observables like liquids and boiling are the result of the interactions of a huge number of molecules which possess a distribution of energies).So all things equal, we would anticipate that it is easier to boil a lighter molecule than a heavier one, and we would predict the heavier one to have a higher boiling point. 90003 90002 Figure \ (\ PageIndex {4} \). shows the trend for various hydrides of different families of the periodic table. Our predictions based on molar mass work for group IV (CH 90021 4 90022 through SnH 90021 4 90022), but does not work for groups VII, VI and V, where the hydrides of the second period (N, O, F) have higher boiling points than would be predicted from their mass trends.90003 90002 90003 90002 90005 90006 Figure \ (\ PageIndex {4} \) 90007: Periodic trends in boiling point for various hydrides. 90008 90003 90002 There are a multitude of questions that can come out of figure \ (\ PageIndex {4} \), and you should familiarize yourself with this figure. You should also revisit this figure after we have covered the section on boiling. Right now let is suffice that to boil a substance you need to overcome the intermolecular forces that hold the liquid together (the cohesive forces), and that as you increase the temperature you increase the kinetic energy of the molecules (so they can escape the liquid and become a vapor).90003 90002 90006 First, 90007 lets look at the group 4 hydrides (CH 90021 4 90022, SiH 90021 4 90022, GeH 90021 4 90022 & SnH 90021 4 90022) ,. As we go down the table from carbon to silicon to germanium to Tin we see an increase in the boiling points. These are symmetric nonpolar molecules and there are two reasons why going down this family shows an increase in the boiling point. 90003 90054 90055 Going down group 4 the mass increases, requiring a higher temperature for molecules to gain enough kinetic energy to vaporize.90056 90055 Going down the table the valence electrons occupy more diffuse orbitals, resulting in a higher polarizability, which in turn results in larger London dispersion forces, which requires more 90056 90059 90002 So both of these trends would indicate an increase in the boiling point as we go down the family. 90003 90002 90006 Second, 90007 ammonia, hydrofluoric acid and water show a deviation in this trend. That is, they are lighter, but there is an increase in their boiling points.This is due to hydrogen bonding. That is, although these molecules are lighter, they have very strong intermolecular forces, which must be overcome for them to boil. 90003 90002 90006 Third, 90007 water has a higher boiling point than HF, yet fluorine is more electronegative than oxygen, it is also smaller, and so you would expect the HF hydrogen bond to be stronger than the OH hydrogen bond. In fact, this is all try, and what this argument does not take into account is the number of hydrogen bonds.That is, the cohesive forces that hold the liquid together are not just the strength of the bonds, but also the number of bonds. Each HF molecule has one H, and 3 lone pairs on the fluorine. So in a macroscopic system like a mole of HF (remember that to be a liquid, you need a lot of molecules), each HF would on average be involved with 2 bonds, one involving the hydrogen (hydrogen donor), and one involving a fluorine lone pair (hydrogen acceptor), and simple speaking, there are not enough hydrogens to use up all the lone pairs, (two of the fluorine’s lone pairs are not involved in H bonds.) In the case of water, the number of lone pairs equals the number of hydrogens, and so each water molecule can on the average, be involved with 4 hydrogen bonds. So even though the individual hydrogen bonds in water may be weaker than in HF, there are more of them, making the boiling point of water higher than HF. 90003 90070 Exercise 11.5.2: Look at Real Molecules (Exam Material) 90071 90072 90002 Before reading on, look at the following three molecules and their boiling points, and try and answer the following 2 questions.90003 90002 90003 90002 1. Why is pentane’s boiling point so much lower than the other two? 90003 90079 90080 90006 Answer 90007 90083 90084 90002 Pentane is non polar and the other two have hydrogen bonds through the OH group. 90003 90087 90088 90002 2. Why does butan-1-ol have a higher boiling point than 2-methylpropan-1-ol? 90003 90079 90080 90006 Answer 90007 90083 90084 90002 Both of these molecules are isomers with the same chemical constituents (C 90021 4 90022 H 90021 10 90022 O) and both have an OH group than can be involved with hydrogen bonds.But buta 90003 90087 90088.90000 chemical bonding | Definition and Examples 90001 90002 90003 Chemical bonding 90004, any of the interactions that account for the association of atoms into molecules, ions, crystals, and other stable species that make up the familiar substances of the everyday world. When atoms approach one another, their nuclei and electrons interact and tend to distribute themselves in space in such a way that the total energy is lower than it would be in any alternative arrangement. If the total energy of a group of atoms is lower than the sum of the energies of the component atoms, they then bond together and the energy lowering is the bonding energy.90005 90003 crystal bonding 90004 Different types of bonding in crystals. 90008 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. 90009 90002 Britannica Quiz 90005 90002 Ins and Outs of Chemistry 90005 90002 What kind of electric charge does a proton have? 90005 90002 The ideas that helped to establish the nature of chemical bonding came to fruition during the early 20th century, after the electron had been discovered and quantum mechanics had provided a language for the description of the behaviour of electrons in atoms.However, even though chemists need quantum mechanics to attain a detailed quantitative understanding of bond formation, much of their pragmatic understanding of bonds is expressed in simple intuitive models. These models treat bonds as primarily of two kinds-namely, ionic and covalent. The type of bond that is most likely to occur between two atoms can be predicted on the basis of the location of the elements in the periodic table, and to some extent the properties of the substances so formed can be related to the type of bonding.90005 90002 A key concept in a discussion of chemical bonding is that of the molecule. Molecules are the smallest units of compounds that can exist. One feature of molecules that can be predicted with reasonable success is their shape. Molecular shapes are of considerable importance for understanding the reactions that compounds can undergo, and so the link between chemical bonding and chemical reactivity is discussed briefly in this article. 90005 90002 Although simple models of bonding are useful as rules of thumb for rationalizing the existence of compounds and the physical and chemical properties and structures of molecules, they need to be justified by appealing to more-sophisticated descriptions of bonding.Moreover, there are some aspects of molecular structure that are beyond the scope of the simple theories. To achieve this insight, it is necessary to resort to a fully quantum mechanical description. In practice, these descriptions entail heavy reliance on computers. Such numerical approaches to the chemical bond provide important information about bonding. 90005 90003 molecular structure 90004 A ball-and-stick model of molecular structure, showing atoms bonded together. 90008 © asiseeit / iStock.com 90009 Get exclusive access to content from our тисяча сімсот шістьдесят вісім First Edition with your subscription. Subscribe today 90002 This article begins by describing the historical evolution of the current understanding of chemical bonding and then discusses how modern theories of the formation of chemical bonds have emerged and developed into a powerful description of the structure of matter. After the historical introduction, qualitative models of bonding are discussed, with particular attention given to the formation of ionic and covalent bonds and the correlation of the latter with molecular shapes.The more-sophisticated quantum mechanical approaches to bond formation are then described, followed by a survey of a number of special cases that raise interesting problems or lead to important insights. 90005 90002 For a detailed discussion of the structure and properties of atoms, 90029 see 90030 atom. Chemical compounds are surveyed in the article chemical compound, and the elements are described in the article chemical element. 90005 90032 Historical review 90033 90032 Emergence of quantitative chemistry 90033 90002 The early Greeks, most notably Democritus, argued that matter is composed of fundamental particles called atoms.The views of the atomists, however, lacked the authority that comes from experiment, and evidence of the existence of atoms was not forthcoming for two millennia until the emergence of quantitative, empirical science in the 18th century. 90005 .90000 chemical bonding | Definition and Examples 90001 90002 90003 Chemical bonding 90004, any of the interactions that account for the association of atoms into molecules, ions, crystals, and other stable species that make up the familiar substances of the everyday world. When atoms approach one another, their nuclei and electrons interact and tend to distribute themselves in space in such a way that the total energy is lower than it would be in any alternative arrangement. If the total energy of a group of atoms is lower than the sum of the energies of the component atoms, they then bond together and the energy lowering is the bonding energy.90005 90003 crystal bonding 90004 Different types of bonding in crystals. 90008 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. 90009 90002 Britannica Quiz 90005 90002 Ins and Outs of Chemistry 90005 90002 Which of these is heavier than iron? 90005 90002 The ideas that helped to establish the nature of chemical bonding came to fruition during the early 20th century, after the electron had been discovered and quantum mechanics had provided a language for the description of the behaviour of electrons in atoms.However, even though chemists need quantum mechanics to attain a detailed quantitative understanding of bond formation, much of their pragmatic understanding of bonds is expressed in simple intuitive models. These models treat bonds as primarily of two kinds-namely, ionic and covalent. The type of bond that is most likely to occur between two atoms can be predicted on the basis of the location of the elements in the periodic table, and to some extent the properties of the substances so formed can be related to the type of bonding.90005 90002 A key concept in a discussion of chemical bonding is that of the molecule. Molecules are the smallest units of compounds that can exist. One feature of molecules that can be predicted with reasonable success is their shape. Molecular shapes are of considerable importance for understanding the reactions that compounds can undergo, and so the link between chemical bonding and chemical reactivity is discussed briefly in this article. 90005 90002 Although simple models of bonding are useful as rules of thumb for rationalizing the existence of compounds and the physical and chemical properties and structures of molecules, they need to be justified by appealing to more-sophisticated descriptions of bonding.Moreover, there are some aspects of molecular structure that are beyond the scope of the simple theories. To achieve this insight, it is necessary to resort to a fully quantum mechanical description. In practice, these descriptions entail heavy reliance on computers. Such numerical approaches to the chemical bond provide important information about bonding. 90005 90003 molecular structure 90004 A ball-and-stick model of molecular structure, showing atoms bonded together. 90008 © asiseeit / iStock.com 90009 Get exclusive access to content from our тисяча сімсот шістьдесят вісім First Edition with your subscription. Subscribe today 90002 This article begins by describing the historical evolution of the current understanding of chemical bonding and then discusses how modern theories of the formation of chemical bonds have emerged and developed into a powerful description of the structure of matter. After the historical introduction, qualitative models of bonding are discussed, with particular attention given to the formation of ionic and covalent bonds and the correlation of the latter with molecular shapes.The more-sophisticated quantum mechanical approaches to bond formation are then described, followed by a survey of a number of special cases that raise interesting problems or lead to important insights. 90005 90002 For a detailed discussion of the structure and properties of atoms, 90029 see 90030 atom. Chemical compounds are surveyed in the article chemical compound, and the elements are described in the article chemical element. 90005 90032 Historical review 90033 90032 Emergence of quantitative chemistry 90033 90002 The early Greeks, most notably Democritus, argued that matter is composed of fundamental particles called atoms.The views of the atomists, however, lacked the authority that comes from experiment, and evidence of the existence of atoms was not forthcoming for two millennia until the emergence of quantitative, empirical science in the 18th century. 90005 .90000 The Four Intermolecular Forces and How They Affect Boiling Points 90001 90002 Properties like melting and boiling points are a measure of how strong the attractive forces are between individual atoms or molecules. (We call these 90003 inter 90004 molecular forces — forces 90005 between 90006 molecules, as opposed to 90005 intra 90006 molecular forces — forces within a molecule.) 90009 90002 It all flows from this general principle: as bonds become more polarized, the charges on the atoms become greater, which leads to greater intermolecular attractions, which leads to higher boiling points.90009 90002 There are four major classes of interactions between molecules and they are all different manifestations of «opposite charges attract». 90009 90014 90002 90003 Now available — Download this awesome (free) 3-page handout on how to solve common boiling point problems. With 10 examples of solved problems! (Also contains all the key points discussed in this post) 90004 90009 90002 90003 MOC_Boiling_Point_Handout (PDF) 90004 90009 90014 90002 The four key intermolecular forces are as follows: 90009 90002 90003 Ionic bonds 90004> 90003 Hydrogen bonding 90004> 90003 Van der Waals dipole -dipole interactions 90004> 90003 Van der Waals dispersion forces.90004 90009 90002 Let’s look at them individually, from strongest to weakest. 90009 90002 90003 Table of Contents 90004 90009 90042 90043 Ionic Forces 90044 90043 Hydrogen Bonding 90044 90043 Van Der Waals Dipole-Dipole Interactions 90044 90043 Van der Waals Dispersion Forces ( «London forces») 90044 90043 Bottom Line 90044 90053 90014 90055 90003 1. Ionic forces 90004 90058 90002 Ionic are interactions between charged atoms or molecules ( «ions»). Positively charged ions, such as Na (+), Li (+), and Ca (2+), are termed cations.Negatively charged ions, such as Cl (-), Br (-), HO (-) are called anions (I always got this straight through remembering that the «N» in «Anion» stood for «Negative») The attractive forces between oppositely charged ions is described by Coulomb’s Law, in which the force increases with charge and decreases as the distance between these ions is increased. The highly polarized (charged) nature of ionic molecules is reflected in their high melting points (NaCl has a melting point of 801 ° C) as well as in their high water solubility (for the alkali metal salts, anyway; metals that form multiple charges like to leave residues on your bathtub) 90009 90002 90009 90055 90003 2.Hydrogen bonding 90004 90058 90002 90003 Hydrogen bonding occurs in molecules containing the highly electronegative elements F, O, or N directly bound to hydrogen. 90004 Since H has an electronegativity of 2.2 (compare to 0.9 for Na and 0.8 for K) these bonds are not as polarized as purely ionic bonds and possess some covalent character. However, the bond to hydrogen will still be polarized and possess a dipole. 90009 90002 90009 90002 The dipole of one molecule can align with the dipole from another molecule, leading to an attractive interaction that we call hydrogen bonding.Owing to rapid molecular motion in solution, these bonds are transient (short-lived) but have significant bond strengths ranging from (9 kJ / mol (2 kcal / mol) (for NH) to about 30 kJ / mol (7 kcal) and higher for HF. As you might expect, the strength of the bond increases as the electronegativity of the group bound to hydrogen is increased. 90009 90002 So in a sense, HO, and NH are «sticky» — molecules containing these functional groups will tend to have higher boiling points than you would expect based on their molecular weight.90009 90055 90003 3. Van Der Waals Dipole-Dipole Interactions 90004 90058 90002 Other groups beside hydrogen can be involved in polar covalent bonding with strongly electronegative atoms. For instance, each of these molecules contains a dipole: 90009 90002 90009 90002 These dipoles can interact with each other in an attractive fashion, which will also increase the boiling point. However since the electronegativity difference between carbon (electronegativity = 2.5) and the electronegative atom (such as oxygen or nitrogen) is not as large as it is for hydrogen (electronegativity = 2.2), the polar interaction is not as strong. So on average these forces tend to be weaker than in hydrogen bonding. 90009 90055 90003 4. Van der Waals Dispersion Forces ( «London forces») 90004 90058 90002 The weakest intermolecular forces of all are called dispersion forces or London forces. These represent the attraction between 90005 instantaneous dipoles 90006 in a molecule. Think about an atom like argon. It’s an inert gas, right? But if you cool it to -186 ° C, you can actually condense it into liquid argon.The fact that it forms a liquid it means that 90005 something 90006 is holding it together. That «something» is dispersion forces. Think about the electrons in the valence shell. 90005 On average 90006, they’re evenly dispersed. But at any given instant, there might be a mismatch between how many electrons are on one side and how many are on the other, which can lead to an 90005 instantaneous 90006 difference in charge. 90009 90002 90009 90002 It’s a little like basketball. 90005 On average 90006, every player is covered one-on-one, for an even distribution of players.But at any given moment, you might have a double-team situation where the distribution of players is «lumpy» (it also means that somebody is open). In the valence shell, this «lumpiness» creates dipoles, and it’s these dipoles which are responsible for intermolecular attraction. 90009 90002 The 90005 polarizability 90006 is the term we use to describe how readily atoms can form these instantaneous dipoles. 90003 90005 Polarizability increases with atomic size. 90006 90004 That’s why the boiling point of argon (-186 ° C) is so much higher than the boiling point of helium (-272 ° C).By the same analogy, the boiling point of iodine, (I-I, 184 ° C) is much higher than the boiling point of fluorine (F-F, -188 ° C). 90009 90002 For hydrocarbons and other non-polar molecules which lack strong dipoles, these dispersion forces are really the only attractive forces between molecules. Since the dipoles are weak and transient, they depend on contact between molecules — which means that the forces increase with surface area. A small molecule like methane has very weak intermolecular forces, and has a low boiling point.However, as molecular weight increases, boiling point also goes up. That’s because the surface over which these forces can operate has increased. Therefore, d 90003 ispersion forces increase with increasing molecular weight. 90004 Individually, each interaction is not worth much, but if collectively, these forces can be extremely significant. How can a gecko lizard walk on walls? Look at its feet. 90009 90002 90009 90002 [Determining trends for hydrocarbons can get a little bit tricky depending on the exact structure — symmetry also plays a role in boiling points and melting points.I talked about this in detail previously.] 90009 90055 90003 5. Bottom Line 90004 90058 90042 90043 Boiling points are a measure of intermolecular forces. 90044 90043 The intermolecular forces increase with increasing polarization of bonds. 90044 90043 The strength of intermolecular forces (and therefore impact on boiling points) is ionic> hydrogen bonding> dipole dipole> dispersion 90044 90043 Boiling point increases with molecular weight, and with surface area. 90044 90053 90002 For another discussion of these principles see Chemguide 90009 90014 90002 90003 Reminder — do not forget the free boiling point study guide (Contains all the key points discussed in this post) 90004 90009 90002 90003 MOC_Boiling_Point_Handout (PDF) 90004 90009.