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Викторина по английскому языку для 9 класса – Викторина по английскому языку для 9 класса

План-конспект занятия по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему: викторина по английскому языку в 9 классе «Счастливый случай»

Счастливый случай

( викторина по английскому языку для 9 класса)

МБОУ “Гимназия №2 имени Мулланура Вахитова”

Матвеева Лилия Фаилевна,

учитель английского языка высшей квалификационной категории


  1. Активизация материала по темам: “ How different the world is.”, “Western Democracies. Are they democratic? “
  2. Актуализация страноведческого материала
  3. Совершенствование навыков аудирования и устной речи
  4. Поддержание интереса к изучению иностранного языка.


– объявление об игре;
– плакат с названием игры “ A Happy Chance.” и с изображением подковы – эмблемы   игры;
– плакаты с названием каждого гейма;
– “бочонок” для проведения раунда “ Puzzles out of the Barrel”;

Задолго до проведения этой игры организуется предварительная работа:

– учащиеся собирают дополнительный материал по Великобритании и США и готовят по       четыре вопроса по страноведению;

– каждый класс выпускает стенгазету на иностранном языке.

Ход игры


Good afternoon, children! Today we are going to play the game “A Happy Chance.”. Two teams will take part in it. Let’s greet and wish them good luck.

And now let me introduce our judges (представляет членов жюри).

Dear judges, w e ask you not to be too critical and forgive our participants the mistakes that they may make.

 Now it’s time for the question-and-answer game called “A Happy Chance”. The game has 5 rounds: They are:

  1. “Go on”
  2. “You ask me, I ask you”
  3. “Puzzles out of the Barrel”
  4. “A dark horse”
  5. “The race after the leader”

So, let’s begin our game

The 1-st round.

It is called “Go on!” The task is to answer the questions at high speed. If you don’t know or don’t remember the answer, you should say “Go on!”, because your time is limited.

a) The questions to the first team

  1. What river does London stand on? (The Thames).
  2. What is “Penny Black”? (The stamp).
  3. How old is London? (2000 years old).
  4. Who are “Beefeaters”? (The guards of the Tower).
  5. Who is the head of the state in Great Britain? (A monarch).
  6. How many countries does the UK consist of? (4 countries).
  7. What kind of weather is the most common in GB? (Rainy).
  8. Where does the monarch of the UK live? (Buckingham Palace).
  9. Name any national English game (football, cricket, rugby).
  10. What animal is the symbol of the English might or strength? (The lion).

b) The questions to the second team

  1. Who was the first American president? (G. Washington).
  2. What is the America’s symbol of Freedom? (The Statue of Liberty).
  3. What is the flag of the USA called? (“Stars and Stripes”).
  4. Who is the head of the state and government of the USA? (The President).
  5. What river is the capital of the USA situated on? (The Potomac).
  6. How many states are there in the USA? (50)
  7. When is the Thanksgiving Day celebrated? (On the fourth Thursday of November).
  8. At first Native Americans were called… (Indians).
  9. What is the address of the White House? (1600, Pennsylvania Avenue).
  10. Whose portraits are printed on American dollars? (American presidents).

The 2-d round.

It is called “You ask me, I ask you”.
Teams, be ready to ask each other questions.

The questions of the first team.

1. What are the names of the British Saints? (St. George, St. Andrew, St. Patrick, St. David) 2. Which city has more people? London: New York, San Francisco? (New York) 3. What does the American Bald Eagle symbolize? (Each individual’s independence and strength) 4. What was the name of the English lord who first organized horse races? (Derby)

The questions of the second team.

  1. Name the most famous Scottish family in Moscow (Mac Donald)
  2. What city has the nickname “The Smoke”? (London)
  3. Who was the first Englishman in Russia? (R. Chancellor)
  4. This forest is connected with Robin Hood (Sherwood Forest)

The 3 -d round.

Now it’s time for the captains of our teams to take part in this competition. It is called “Puzzles out of the Barrel”. A good captain is the flag of the team. Captains, be ready to answer these questions.

  1. How many birthdays does the British Queen (Elizabeth II) have? (Two. Her real birthday is April, 21st, but it is a tradition to celebrate the Queen’s Birthday on the second Saturday in June)
  2. You lived in London in 1890. You were a bad-reputed man and your behavior was so awful that soon everybody in London knew you and talked about you. When one began to behave badly, people said, Oh, he behaves like…” and called him your name. Nowadays, people, especially parents or teachers, use your name to call those children who behave badly. Who are you? (Lord Hooligan)
  3. According to the “status symbol” an American men must have one wife, two…, three…, four …, five…, six…, seven and is lucky to have eight … in his pocket? (Pets, suits, children, cars, acres, credit cards, cents)
  4. You are Paul McCartney. One morning you were preparing breakfast when a melody came to your mind. Later on it became one of the most popular songs of your group. Can you remember that morning? What were you cooking? What was this song? (I was making fried eggs and the song was “Yesterday”)
  5. You are William Webb Ellis. You are a student of Rugby School. What did you do once during a foot ball match? This made your school famous all over the world. (During the game I took the ball in hands and carried it into the rival’ goal. So, a new game – rugby – came to life.)
  6. Shakespeare, Spencer was her contemporaries. She was called the “Virgin Queen”. She never washed herself. Who was she? (Elizabeth I)

The 4 – th round

It is called “A dark horse”

Teams, be ready to guess and say what it means.

  1. Демонстрируется тарелка с овсяной кашей, два яйца и банка джема. Что это такое? (Завтрак английского джентльмена)
  2. На огромном мешке, на котором написано “Шерсть” усаживается джентльмен в парике (ученик, играет роль этого джентльмена) Кто этот джентльмен? (Лорд – канцлер, заседающий в палате лордов британского парламента)
  3. Выходит ученик в красной шапочке. В таком головном уборе, как правило, изображают этого всемирно известного героя. Кто он? (Робин Гуд)
  4. Черноволосый молодой человек (ученик играет роль этого человека) стучится в дверь. В руках у него кусочек хлеба, монетка и кусочек угля. Дверь открывается, и хозяева, радостно всплеснув руками, встречают гостя. Что это означает? (Существует поверье, что черноволосый гость принесёт хозяевам счастье в Новом году).
  5. Девочки в поварских колпаках и нарядных фартуках со сковородой в руке бегут , подбрасывая блин на сковороде.(девочки – школьницы импровизируют это соревнование) Во время бега каждая должна перевернуть блин, не касаясь его, три раза. Как называется это соревнование и где оно проводится? (День блина. 12 февраля, начиная с 1445 года “блинные бега”, одобренные официально самим монархом, стали проводиться ежегодно по всей Великобритании. А на их родине в Олни они стали наиболее известными и престижными соревнованиями. Подобная традиция существует и в Westminster School в Лондоне.)
  6. У импровизированной трибуны докладчик (ученик играет эту роль), жестикулируя, доказывает что – то. Несколько человек вокруг внимательно слушают его, кивают. Где происходит эта сцена и что она означает? (Лондон, знаменитый Уголок Оратора в Гайд-парке. Знаменит этот Уголок тем, что с импровизированной трибуны каждый может выступить с любой речью, обращенной к желающим его послушать.)

The 5 – th round

It is called “The race after the leader”

a) The questions to the first team

  1. What is the official name of Britain? (The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
  2. What is the national costume of Scotland? (The kilt)
  3. What is Wales called? (A “land of Song”)
  4. When do the British celebrate Christmas? (On the 25th of December)
  5. What is the Traditional Christmas meal in Britain? (Roast turkey and pudding)
  6. What channel lies between Britain and the continent Europe? (The English Channel)
  7. What is the highest mountain in Britain? (Ben Nevis)
  8. What is the longest river in Britain? (The Severn)
  9. What is the most famous forest in England? (Sherwood Forest)
  10. What is the best and driest season in Britain? (Spring)
  11. What is the double– decker? (a bus that has two storeys)
  12. What birds live in the Tower of London? (Ravens)
  13. What is there in the centre of Trafalgar Square? (Nelson’s Column)
  14. What is Hyde Park famous for? (For its Speaker’s Corner)
  15. What park is London Zoo in? (In Regent’s Park)
  16. What is Big Ben? (The clock on the Houses of Parliament)
  17. What is Scotland Yard? (The name of the police force in London)
  18. What is the town of Oxford famous for? (For its university)
  19. Where are the laws made in Great Britain? (In Westminster Palace)
  20. When did the Queen Elisabeth II come to the throne? (1952)
  21. What are the main political parties in Great Britain? (The Conservative Party and the Labour Party)
  22. What is the “Union Jack”? (The national flag)
  23. What is the Tube? (The London’s Underground)
  24. What is the largest museum in London? (The British Museum)
  25. How many crosses do the British flag consists of? (3 crosses)

b) The questions to the second team

  1. The continental U.S. is divided into how many time zones? (four zones)
  2. What is the name of the first America’s National park? (Yellowstone)
  3. Which city in the state of Florida has the same name as a Russian city? (St. Petersburg)
  4. Name the largest library in the U.S. (The Library of Congress)
  5. What university is the oldest in the USA (Harvard)
  6. How long is Broadway? (about 21 km)
  7. What food is popular among Americans? (Barbecue ribs)
  8. What is the symbol of the Republican Party? (The Elephant)
  9. Where are laws made in the USA? (In the Capitol)
  10. How many senators are there in the Senate? (100)
  11. How many rooms are there in the White House? (132)
  12. Who created Donald Duck? (Walt Disney)
  13. What is America’s national sport? (baseball)
  14. What is the largest American state? (Alaska)
  15. What is the largest port of the USA? (New York City)
  16. Who chose the place for the American capital? (G. Washington)
  17. Who discovered America? (C. Columbus)
  18. What is the nickname of the US government? (Uncle Sam)
  19. What is the longest river of the USA? (The Mississippi)
  20. What tea party is a historical event? (Boston Tea Party)
  21. Who is believed to have sewn the first American flag? (Betsy Ross)
  22. Which of the US Presidents was a Hollywood actor? (R. Reagan)
  23. Who invented the soft drink Coca – Cola? (J. Pemberton)
  24. Pilgrims’ ship was called… (Mayflower)
  25. What city is the home of CNN? (Atlanta)

Подведение итогов

Dear judges, tell us the score of the game, please.

The team … is the winner. My best congratulations! Thanks for the game!

Победителям игры выставляются отличные оценки в журнал.

Использованная литература:

1. Савина С.Н. Внеклассная работа по иностранным языкам. – М., Просвещение, 2007.
2. Химунина Т.Н. В Великобритании принято так. – М., Просвещение, 2009

 3.Томахин Г.Д. По Соединённым штатам Америки. – М., Просвещение, 2006

 4. Ощепкова В.В. Учебное пособие по страноведению США – М., Новая школа, 2009.
5.Ощепкова В.В. О Британии вкратце. – М., Просвещение, 2009.
6.Элизабет Лэард. Добро пожаловать в Великобританию и США – М., Просвещение, 2008.

ВИКТОРИНА ПО АНГЛИЙСКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ В 9-11 КЛАССАХ «Я люблю английский: англоязычные страны и Россия»





«Я люблю английский: англоязычные страны и Россия»

Цель: закрепление имеющихся знаний учащихся в области английского языка посредством игровой ситуации, выявить уровень сформированности коммуникативных умений и навыков.



— повышать познавательный интерес учащихся к языку, который изучается;

— закрепить умение употребления в речи разговорной речи;

— обучение навыкам восприятия на слух иностранных слов.


— развивать внимание и память учащихся;

— развивать умение работать в группе.


— умение работать в сотрудничестве с другими;

— воспитывать уважительное отношение к другой культуре.

Принимают участие 2 команды.

Критерии оценивания : правильный ответ – 1 бал!

 Задания № 2 и 4 – соответствуют (не перемешаны ответы).

Ход мероприятия

Приветственное слово учителя. Представление команд.

(команды подготавливают названия, девизы и эмблемы)

Представление жюри.

IТур —  Блиц — тур (отвечает тот, чья команда первая  подняла руку):

  1. What is the main square in London?  (Trafalgar Square).
  2. What is the name of the famous clock in London? (Big Ben).
  3. On what river does London stand? (The Thames).
  4. Where was William Shakespeare born? (in Stratford-upon-Avon).
  5. What is the British Queen’s name? (Elisabeth II).
  6. What is a “double-decker”? (a bus).
  7. Where is the Statue of Liberty? (in New York).
  8. There are two most famous university-cities in the UK –Oxford and … ?(Cambridge).
  9. When do the British celebrate Christmas? (on the 25
     of December).
  10. What is the name of the famous detective who lived in Baker Street? (Sherlock Holms).
  11. Who wrote about Tom Sawyer?(M. Twain).
  12. Is Brighton a town or a river? (a town).

II Тур Прочитай, переведи и соедини (на карточках записаны столицы и страны, надо их сопоставить):


















the Republic of Ireland











III тур — На сколько знаешь ли ты английский ? (вопросы на свободную тему; команды отвечают по очереди):

  1. What day of the week comes after Wednesday? (Thursday).
  2. Which month of a year is the shortest?(February).
  3. Is the temperature in summer below zero or above zero? (above zero).
  4. What is the symbol of Halloween? (a pumpkin).
  5. What is the opposite of “big”?(small).
  6. What is the name of the agent 007? (James Bond).
  7. Say the word “mouse” in the plural. (mice)
  8. What colour is snow? (white).
  9. What is the 2nd form of the verb “begin”? (began).
  10. Who wrote about Robinson Crusoe? (D. Defoe).
  11. Where does the kangaroo live? (in Australia).
  12. What is the longest river in Europe? (the Volga).
  13. What animal has the longest neck? (the giraffe).
  14. What is the coldest season?(winter).
  15. What colour is the sun?(yellow).
  16. What can we see at night – the moon or the sun? (the moon).
  17. How many seasons are there in a year?(4).
  18. How many days are there in March?(31).
  19. Which is correct – on Monday or in Monday?(on Monday).
  20. Are cucumbers fruit or vegetables?(vegetables).
  21. What is the Russian for “hungry” ? (голодный).
  22. Who was the first cosmonaut in the world?(Y. Gagarin).


IV тур — Пословицы и поговорки (необходимо выбрать правильный перевод):

A wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Волк в овечьей шкуре

A great ship asks deep waters..

Большому кораблю – большое плавание

Live and learn

Век живи, век учись

Health is better than wealth

Здоровье дороже богатства

It’s never too late to learn

Учиться никогда не поздно

A bird may be known by its song.

Видна птица по полёту.

Out of sight out of mind

С глаз долой, из сердца вон

No new – is a good new

Отсутствие вестей — хорошая весть

V тур — А что вы знаете о России? (команды отвечают по очереди, если команда не отвечает – вопрос переходит другой команде):

  1. What is the name of the square in Moscow where you can see the Kremlin? (Red Square).
  2. Where is Khabarovsk situated – in the east or in the west of Russia? (in the east ).
  3. What Russian city stands on the Neva River?(St. Petersburg).
  4. When do Russian people celebrate Christmas? (on the 7th of January).
  5. What holiday do we celebrate on the 14th of February?(St. Valentine’s  Day).
  6. What is the capital of Russia?(Moscow).
  7. When do we celebrate Victory Day? (on the 9th of May).
  8. Who is the President of the Russian Federation?
  9. In what city can we see the Hermitage? (in St. Petersburg).
  10. What is the largest country in the world?(Russia).
  11. What is Pushkin’s name? (Alexander Sergeyevich).
  12. Who is the author of the story “Капитанскаядочка”?(A. S. Pushkin).
  13. Who founded Moscow University? (Peter I).
  14. What colours does the Russian flag have? (white, blue, red).


Подводятся результаты викторины, награждаются победители!




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Викторина на английском языке. 8–9-й класс


Иностранные языки

Краткое описание

Данный ресурс представляет собой викторину на английском языке, составленную на основе шаблона «Своя игра». Викторина предназначена для проведения внеклассного мероприятия в 8-9 классах общеобразовательного и естественнонаучного профиля и имеет целью расширение лексического запаса, актуализацию межпредметных связей и повышение интереса к изучению языка. Познавательно-развлекательная форма проведения мероприятия делает его востребованным приемом в групповой методике преподавания.

Викторина состоит из 5 разделов: география, спорт, известные личности и изобретения, разное. Каждый раздел включает в себя 5 вопросов, оценивающихся в 10, 20, 30, 40 и 50 баллов.

Форма проведения

Оптимальная форма проведения – две-три группы учащихся по 5-6 человек. Желательно присутствие болельщиков с плакатами на английском языке. Жюри из 2-3 учителей считает баллы и разрешает спорные вопросы.

Реквизит: PC, проектор, экран/широкоформатный монитор, флэшкарточка для каждой команды, призы и грамоты победителям.

Правила проведения

  1. Каждая группа выбирает капитана, в задачу которого входит объявление номера вопроса, который команда намерена открыть, а также подача сигнала о  готовности группы к ответу при помощи флэшкарты.
  2. Капитаны поднимают флэшкарту только после того, как вопрос полностью озвучен. Если флэшкарта поднята раньше, команда лишается права ответа на данный вопрос.
  3. Ответы на вопросы викторины должны звучать на английском языке. За правильный ответ на русском языке баллы уменьшаются вдвое.
  4. Право первого хода получает команда, правильно ответившая на первый (внеконкурсный) вопрос ведущего.
  5. Право на каждый следующий ход получает команда, правильно ответившая на предыдущий вопрос.
  6. После раскрытия всех клеточек с вопросами викторины жюри объявляет баллы, набранные командами. Теперь командам предстоит ответить на самый последний вопрос, баллы за который они назначают себе сами. В случае правильного ответа их счет увеличится на объявленное ими же количество баллов. В случае неправильного ответа их счет уменьшится на это же  количество баллов.









Which is the most populous continent? (Asia)

What is the capital of New Zealand? (Wellington)

Which ocean is to the north of the Russian Federation? (the Arctic Ocean)

What do we call a mountain which could erupt? (volcano)

In which country is Mount Everest? (Nepal)


Which sport is played at Wimbledon? (tennis)

How many rings are there in the Olympic Games symbol? (5)

What is the longest running race in the Olympic Games? (marathon)

In boxing, what do the letters K.O. stand for? (knock out)

Name at least four sports that originated in Britain. (cricket, football, golf, rugby, races, boxing)

Famous people and inventions

What was Christopher Wren by profession? (architect)

Who invented the telephone? (Alexandre Bell)

What medicine was invented by Alexandre Fleming? (penicillin)

Who developed the theory of relativity? (Albert Einstein)

Which classical composer became deaf at an advanced age? (Beethoven)


Who wrote the books about Harry Potter? (Joanne Rowling)

Why do we remember 23 April 1564? (It’s William Shakespeare’s date of birth)

What is the traditional musical instrument of Scotland? (bagpipes)

Who was the Sheriff of Nottingham’s deadliest enemy? (Robin Hood)

According to R. Kipling, everybody has six honest servants. Name them. (what, why, when, how, where, who)


His favourite drink is blood. (vampire)

An ugly woman practicing magic. (witch)

Who presided over the knights’ Round Table? (King Arthur)

What do we call the study of birds? (ornithology)

What natural phenomena are measured by Richter scale? (earthquakes)

Проведение мероприятия

Организационный момент

 Hello, Everybody! Welcome to our quiz. It’s a great chance for all our participants to demonstrate their knowledge in various spheres.

Meet our Jury…They are going to keep the score, help in case of disagreement and announce the winners.

As you can see, we have 5 rubrics – geography, sports, famous people and inventions, culture and miscellany. “Miscellany” comprises questions of different kinds. Each rubric contains 5 questions of 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 points.

Объявление правил игры

  1. Each team must choose their captain. The captain announces which question box the team is willing to open, keeps the flashcard and puts it up whenever a member of the team is ready to answer.
  2. The flashcard can only be put up after the question has been read by the host from beginning to end. If the flashcard is raised earlier, the team loses its chance to answer the question.
  3. The questions should be answered in English. If the answer is given in Russian, the score for that question is reduced by half.
  4. The team which has given the right answer to the previous question has the next turn.

Начало игры.

Возможные варианты первого вопроса.

Now listen to the very first question today. It won’t give you any points but the team that gives the correct answer has the first turn.

– What stars wear dark glasses? – Film stars, superstars.

(What is the difference between here and there? – The letter T.

What kind of animal is dingo? – A wild dog.

Who spoke Latin? – Ancient Romans.)

Ход игры

Well, team… has the first turn. Which question box will you open?

The team …gets … points for the correct answer.

Последний этап игры. Возможные варианты последнего вопроса.

Now, when all the questions have been opened and answered, let the Jury announce the score of each team. However, this is not the final result of our quiz. You are going to answer one more question. Each team decides on the number of points they want to receive for this question. If the team answers correctly, their score will increase by that number. If the answer is wrong, the score is diminished correspondingly. Ready? Listen to the final question:

– What can there be in an empty pocket? – A hole.

(Suppose we have the same sum of money. How much should I give you so that you have 10 coins more than I have? – 5 coins.

How many times can you subtract the numeral 2 from the numeral 24? – Only once, the next time it’ll be 22-2.

Завершение игры

Let the Jury announce the score. So, the winners are… They are awarded the prizes.

Our game is over. Thanks for your time, support and attention.

К работе прилагается презентация (Приложение 1).


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Викторина по английскому языку для 6-11 классов


Цель: Приобщение к общеевропейскому поликультурному пространству и формирование устойчивой потребности к изучению иностранных языков в учебных, личных и профессиональных целях.
Учебные (практические):
• актуализация навыков иноязычного общения
Образовательная: формирование социокультурной компетенции учащихся через расширение лингвострановедческого кругозора.
Развивающая: развитие творческих и познавательных способностей учащихся, способности к анализу, сравнению, формулированию выводов из полученной информации.
Воспитательная: воспитание уважительного отношения к европейским культурам, более глубокое осознание родной культуры через контекст иноязычных.

Форма проведения: Викторина ко дню европейских языков
Планируемые результаты: Мероприятие позволит углубить и расширить знания учащихся по предмету «иностранный язык»; будет способствовать расширению культурного кругозора, эрудиции школьников, развитию их творческой активности, духовно-нравственной сферы, эстетических вкусов и, как следствие, повысит мотивацию к изучению языка и культуры других стран.

Task 1
Answer the following questions
1. Is the Queen of the United Kingdom also the Queen of some other countries?
2. Who chooses candidates in elections in the UK?
3. Who chooses the Cabinet of Ministers?
4. What are the main countries of the UK and their capitals?
5. What is the population of London?
6. Which are the best-known streets of London?
7. What institutions of higher education in Britain do you know?
8. What are the main stages of education in Britain?
9. What plays written by Shakespeare do you know?
10. What do children usually say at Halloween?
11. What do children leave at the end of their beds on Christmas Eve and why?
12. What does May Day signify?
13. Which is the English summer national sport?
14. How many players are there in a football team?
15. Which kinds of sport can you name in English?
16. Which game can be called the most popular game in the world?

Task 2

Match the following English and Russian Proverbs
1. A good name is better than riches.
2. He will never set the Thames on fire.
3. Make hay while the sun shines.
4. Live and learn.
5. An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening.

A. Куй железо пока горячо.
B. Добрая слава лучше богатства.
C. Век живи, век учись.
D. Утро вечера мудренее.
E. Он пороха не выдумывает.

Task 3

Quiz about Great Britain
1. What is the Queen’s name?
a. Queen Elizabeth I
b. Queen Elizabeth II
c. Queen Margaret IV
2. Where does the Changing of the Guard take place?
a. Buckingham Palace
b. Downing Street
c. Victoria and Albert Museum
3. What is a double-decker?
a. A bus
b. A chocolate bar
c. A taxi
4. What is Harrods?
a. A kiosk
b. A department store
c. A language school
5. Where can you buy stamps?
a. At a post office
b. At a butcher’s
c. At a tobacconist’s
6. What is ‘Stonehenge’?
a. An old castle
b. A prehistoric monument
c. A palace.
7. What is the name of the famous stadium in the north of London?
a. Wimble
b. Westminster
c. Wimbledon
8. Which band was John Lennon a member of in the 1960s?
a. The Beatles
b. The Police
c. The Rolling Stones
9. Where is a monster supposed to live?
a. The Lake District
b. Loch Ness
c. River Thames
10. In Britain, cars are driven on the ______ side of the road.
a. left-hand
b. right-hand
c. wrong-hand
11. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote lots of ______.
a. detective stories
b. plays
c. poems
12. Chelsea is a popular ______ team.
a. cricket
b. football
c. rugby
13. Which famous writer was born in Stratford-upon-Avon?
a. Geoffrey Chaucer
b. Agatha Christie
c. William Shakespeare
14. Which king had 6 wives?
a. Henry IV
b. Henry V
c. Henry VIII

Task 4

What famous places can you know? Read and match.

London Eye; A double ducker; Piccadilly Circus; Westminster Abbey; Beefeaters; The Gherkin; The Globe Theatre; A phone box; Buckingham Palace; Houses of Parliament; A mailbox; The British Museum; Madame Tussaud’s; Hyde Park; The Tower of London; Tower Bridge;

1. …………………………………………….
The official home of the British royal family in London, containing almost 600 rooms.

2. …………………………………………….
A theatre where Shakespeare’s plays were first performed. Destroyed in the 17th century, rebuilt in 1996.

3. …………………………………………….
It is the tallest Ferris wheel in Europe, and the most popular paid tourist attraction in the United Kingdom.

4. …………………………………………….
It is a famous road junction, built in 1819. It is situated close to major shopping and entertainment areas in the heart of the West End.

5. ……………………………………………
A fortress, built in the 11th century. Early in its history it was a royal residence and prison, now it’s a museum.

6. ……………………………………………
A bridge which crosses the River Thames, just to the east of the Tower of London. Often used as a symbol of London.

7. ……………………………………………
A very large gothic church in Westminster. Almost all British kings and queens have been crowned there.

8. …………………………………………….
The building in which the members of the British parliament meet.

9. …………………………………………..
A large park in central London, which includes a speaker’s corner, a place where ordinary people can make speeches.

10. ………………………………………….
One of the most distinctive buildings in the City of London. It’s the blue colored, glass office tower.

11. …………………………………………….
A museum that contains models of famous people, both living and dead, made of wax. It was started in 1802.

12. ……………………………………………
A famous building which contains a large and important collection of ancient art, writings, coins, drawings.

13. ………………………………………….
Guards at the Tower of London, who wear traditional old-fashioned red uniforms and guard the crown jewels.

14. ………………………………………….
A typical British bus with two levels. Some of them specialize in short sight-seeing tours for tourists.

15. ……………………………………………
A small building containing a telephone for use by the public.

16. ……………………………………………
An official metal box in a public place, into which people can put letters to be collected and sent by post.


Задания к интеллектуальной игре «Путешествие по Европе»

6-8 классы

1. Столицы европейских государств. Командам необходимо подобрать столицу к названиям европейских государств.

Англия – Лондон

Польша – Варшава.

Россия – Москва.

Украина – Киев.

Албания – Тирана.

Ирландия – Дублин.

Германия – Берлин.

Франция – Париж.

Мальта – Валлетта.

Финляндия – Хельсинки.

Португалия – Лиссабон.

Италия – Рим.

Румыния – Бухарест.

Швейцария – Берн.

Белоруссия – Минск.

Австрия – Вена.

Дания – Копенгаген.

Греция – Афины.

Испания – Мадрид.

Латвия – Рига.

2. Знаменитые реки стран Европы. Команды по очереди отвечают на вопросы.

Волга – Россия.

Нарва – Эстония.

Рейн – Германия.

Эбро – Испания

Сена – Франция.

Неман – Литва.

Дунай – Венгрия.

Валира – Андорра.

Днестр – Украина.

Тибр – Италия.

3. Деньги стран Европы. Учащимся необходимо подобрать название денежных единиц к названиям государств.

Рубль – Россия

Лек – Албания

Злотый – Польша

Куна – Хорватия

Лит – Литва

Лей – Румыния

Фунт стерлинг – Англия

Форинт – Венгрия

Гривна – Украина

Лат – Латвия

Марка – Германия

Лев – Болгария

Денар – Македония

Толар – Словения

Крона – Дания

4. Рекордсмены Европы. Команды на скорость отвечают на вопросы.

Самый большой город Европы – (Москва).

Самая длинная река – (Волга).

Самое большое озеро – (Каспийское море).

Самая высокая точка – (Эльбрус).

Самая большая страна Европы – (Россия).

Самое густонаселенное государство в Европе – (Нидерланды).

Самый большой остров – (Великобритания).

5. Достопримечательности стран Европы. Команды по изображениям и названиям достопримечательностей угадывают название страны, в которой находится данная достопримечательность.

Акрополь – Афины, Греция.

Биг Бен – Лондон, Англия.

Вулканы и гейзеры – Исландия.

Дворец Эскориал – Мадрид, Испания.

Замок Сан Жоржи – Лиссабон, Португалия

Колизей – Рим, Италия.

Красная площадь – Москва, Россия.

Музей под открытым небом «Парк руин» – Секешфехервар, Венгрия.

Рейхстаг – Берлин, Германия.

Собор Александра Невского – София, Болгария.

Собор святого Петра – Ватикан.

Собор Святого Марка – Венеция, Италия.

Темза – Лондон, Англия.

Эйфелева башня – Франция, Париж.

Этнографический музей Хофбург – Вена, Австрия.

6. Чем знаменита страна в мире? Команды на скорость раскладывают карточки названием стран и названием «знаметистей»

Заповедник «Беловежская пуща» – Белоруссия.

Город шахтеров Донбасс – Украина.

Коррида – Испания.

Сырные ярмарки – Голландия.

Ветряные мельницы – Нидерланды.

Автобус «Икарус» – Венгрия.

Оксфорд, Кембридж – Англия.

Компания «Сименс» – Германия.

Банки – Швейцария.

Курорт «Карловы Вары» – Чехия.

7. Любимые блюда европейцев. Ведущий называет блюдо, команды отгадывают страну в которой это блюдо популярно.

Слоеный пирог с яблоками – австрийцы.

Косидо – испанцы.

Полента – швейцарцы.

Бифштекс – англичане.

Торроне – итальянцы.

Вотерзен – бельгийцы.

Пиво – чехи.

Буйябез – французы.

Колбаса салями – венгры.

Сало – украинцы

Викторина по английскому языку «Слабое звено» для 9-10 кл » Мир учителя




INTRODUCTION. Good afternoon, pupils! I am glad to see you. Welcome to our game “The Weakest Link”. I am sure you like to watch this game on TV and know its rules. After each round the weakest link – a pupil who doesn’t answer the questions – will leave our game.  The theme of our today’s game is “English–speaking  countries”. So let us begin. Introduce yourselves, please, tell us your name, age and hobby.




1.      Where is Great Britain situated? – On the British Isles, to the northwest of Europe.

2.      How many parts are there in the UK? – 4.

3.      How many countries are situated on the island of Great Britain? – 3.

4.      What is the capital of the UK? – London.

5.      What is the capital of Scotland? – Edinburgh.

6.      What is the capital of Wales? – Cardiff.

7.      What is the capital of Northern Ireland? – Belfast.

8.      What is the nickname of the flag of the UK? – The Union Jack.

9.      What river is London situated on? – The Thames.

10.  Who is officially the head of the UK? – Queen Elizabeth II.

11.  What is a double-decker? – A bus.

12.  What is the national emblem of England? – A rose.

13.  Who is the Prime Minister of the country at present? – Anthony Blair.

14.  What is the official residence of the Prime Minister of the UK? –    No 10, Downing Street.

15.  What kind of state is the UK? – A parliamentary monarchy.

16.  What is the official residence of Queen Elizabeth II?- Buckingham Palace.

17.  Who is the architect of the famous St. Paul’s Cathedral? – Sir Christopher Wren.

18.  What is the seat of the British Government? – The Houses of Parliament.

19.  Where can you see wax figures of many famous people? – In Madame Tussaud’s.

20.  What is the largest museum in London? – The British Museum.

21.  Who was the first woman Prime Minister in the UK? – Margaret Thatcher.

22.  What is the name of the first Queen of the UK? – Victoria.

23.  How many bronze lions can you see at the foot of the monument to Admiral Nelson? – 4.

24.  What is the oldest university in Great Britain? – Oxford.

25.  When do British people celebrate Halloween? – On the 31st of October.

26.  What is the biggest tower clock in the world? – Big Ben.

27.  When do British people celebrate Guy Fawkes Day? – On the 5th of November.

28.  What separates Great Britain from the European continent? – The English Channel.

29.  What is the population of Great Britain? – 56 million people.

30.  When did the Great Fire of London break out? – In 1666.




1.      Who discovered America? – Christopher Columbus.

2.      When did Christopher Columbus discover America? – In 1492.

3.      What is the official name of the country that is usually called America? – The United States of America.

4.      What is the capital of the USA? – Washington, D. C.

5.      What do the letters D. C. stand for? – The District of Columbia.

6.      Who was the first president of the USA? – George Washington.

7.      Where is the Statue of Liberty situated? – New York.

8.      Where is Hollywood situated? – In Los Angeles, California.

9.      What is the largest city in the USA? — New York.

10.  How many states are there in the USA? – 50.

11.  The national flag of the USA is called “Stars and Stripes”. How many stars and stripes does it have? – 50 and 13.

12.  What is the national sport in America? – Baseball.

13.  What is the oldest and most famous university in the USA? – The Harvard University.

14.  When do Americans celebrate Independence Day? – July 4.

15.  In which month is Thanksgiving Day celebrated (in October or November)? – November.

16.  On which ship did the Pilgrim Fathers sail to America? – The Mayflower.

17.  What is the biggest state of the USA? – Alaska.

18.  What is the longest river in the USA? – The Mississippi.

19.  What unites the American presidents G. Washington, Lincoln, Jackson, Grant and Franklin? – The US dollar.

20.  What is the official national symbol of the USA? – The eagle.




1.      Who discovered Australia? – Captain James Cook.

2.      In what half of the earth is Australia situated? – In the Southern Hemisphere.

3.      What is the capital of Australia? – Canberra.

4.      What was the first capital of Australia? – Melbourne.

5.      What is the largest city in Australia? – Sydney.

6.      What is the official language of Australia? – English.

7.      What animals can be seen on Australia’s coat of arms? – The kangaroo and the emu.

8.      What is the best-loved animal in Australia? – The koala.

9.      Is Australia an island or a continent? – It is the largest island and the smallest continent.

10.  How many countries are situated in Australia? – 1.

Викторина по английскому языку — 8-9 классы

  1. Name 6 cartoon characters

  2. Name 6 English writers

  3. Name 6 sort of fruit

  4. Name 6 sort of vegetables

  5. Name 6 animals

  6. Name 6 sports

  7. Name 6 English songs

  8. Name 6 English-speaking countries

  9. Name 6 professions

  10. Name 6 colours

  11. Name 6 English names

  12. Name 6 London sights

Quiz-leader: Our next contest is called “RiddlesYou can get one point for each right answer.

  1. Higher than a house, higher that a tree –

Oh, whatever can that be? (a star)

  1. What falls on the water and never gets wet? (a shadow)

  2. Nobody saw it, but everybody heard it. (the echo)

  3. What is without hand and without feet, without head or body, but can open a door. (the wind)

  4. What is white and falls on the top of the roof? (snow)

  5. It flows, but cannot run out. (a river)

  6. It is white and cold. You can skate on it. What is it? (ice)

  7. A blue sheet which covers the whole world. (the sky)

Quiz-leader: Attention please! The fifth contest is “Think and choose”. Each team will get a list of words. You should choose the right variant. You have two minutes at your disposal.

1. Goodnight! A. Here you are.

2. What nationality is B. Thank you.

William Shakespeare?

3. Are they short or tall? C. I think so.

4. Pass my dictionary, please. D. Oh, sorry.

5. Where is my bag? E. Goodnight!

6. Here’s your coffee. F. She’s eleven.

7. How old is Olga? G. He’s Englishman.

8. Is this Ruslan’s dog? H. They’re tall.

9. That’s not my copybook. I. It’s under the chair.

Quiz-leader: Now we come to the sixth contest is called “The right choice”. It is very important to make the right choice in our life: the right choice of a profession, a friend etc. You will get the cards with the letters A, B, C. Choose the right answer and show the card.

    1. Ted is a _______________

a) city b) surname c) first name

  1. The capital of England is _______________

a) London b) Belfast c) Edinburgh

3. Bookshelf is a ____________________

a) piece of furniture b) place c) room

  1. London stands on _______________

a) the Volga b) the Avon c) the Thames

4. Italy is a _____________________

a) nationality b) country c) language

  1. The symbol of England _____________

a) a red rose b) a white rose c) a daffodil

6. Living room is a _________________

a) country b) boy’s name c) room

  1. The English flag is ______________

a) blue and white b) red and blue c) red and white

8. Russian is a ___________________—

a) language b) surname c) country

9. Dinner is a _________________________

a) drink b) dish c) meal

  1. Ch. Chaplin was ________________

a) a composer b) an actor c) an artist

11. Supermarket is a __________________

a) farm b) job c) shop

  1. Golfs comes from ____________

a) Russia b) Scotland c) the USA

13. Farmer is a ___________________

a) first name b) job c) place

14. Bus stop is a _________________

a) place b) country c) sport

  1. “Robinson Crusoe” was written by _________

a) Mark Twain b) Daniel Defoe c) Arthur Conan Doyle

Quiz-leader: One more contest. It is called “Inventions and discoveries” You should answer my questions. The team which answers first and correctly wins.

  1. Who discovered America? (Ch. Columbus)

  2. Who created Donald Duck? (W. Disney)

  3. Who was the first man in space? (Y. Gagarin)

  4. Who invented the telephone? (Al. Bell)

  5. Who invented the traffic lights? (Garret A. Morgan)

  6. Who made safety razors? (King Gillette)

  7. Who opened the first McDonald’s restaurant? (Maurice and Richard McDonald)

  8. Who made the first successful flight? (the Wright Brothers)

III. Заключительный этап. Подведение итогов игры.

Quiz-leader: Dear friends, do you like music? Listen to the songs “London Bridge” and sing. Our jury will add up the score of the game.

Jury: The score is … to … in smb’s favour. The team “…” the winner.

Названия конкурсов и максимум баллов, которые можно заработать в этом конкурсе:

Викторина для 9 класса по английскому языку


1. Напишите как можно больше слов на тему «Средства массовой информации»:




2. Дайте определение словосочетанию. Обведите нужный вариант.

a soap opera is:

a) a game in which participants have to answer questions.

b) a television or radio programme about a film based on a classical novel.

c) a television or radio programme about the continuing daily life of characters in it.

3. Подберите синонимы к слову a child:

a) a boy, a baby, a kid, a girl;

b) a mother, a family, a father, an adult.

4. Подберите значения к словам:

to turn on сделать погромче

to turn of включить

to turn up сделать потише

to turn down выключить

5. Подчеркните имена существительные:

Depress, serious, depression, imagination, violent, interrupt, violence, rudeness, feel, strange, stranger, darkness, enjoy, classical, invent, improve, improvement, skill, skillful, destruction.

6. Вычеркните лишнее слово в каждом ряду:

a) books, newspapers, stories, television, magazines;

b) novels, poems, legends, plays, fables, books;

c) science, internet, technology, technique, electronics;

d) photography, biology, agronomy, linguistics.

7. Сопоставьте слова с их значениями:

1) meteorology a) the study of the Sun, Moon, planets, stars.

2) acoustics b) the study of living things.

3) astronomy c) the scientific study of weather.

4) biology d) the study of sound.

5) geography e) the study of the Earth’s surface regions of the


8. Переведите слова:

service — _______________________

strange — _______________________

cartoon — _______________________

violent — ________________________

stories — ________________________

publish — ________________________

produce — _______________________

invention — ______________________

9. Сопоставьте названия эпох:

The Old Stone Age Бронзовый век

The New Stone Age Новый Каменный век

The Bronze Age Железный век

The Iron Age Старый Каменный век

10. Чем известны эти люди? Соедините имена ученых с их открытиями:

1. Dmitry Mendeleev a) radio

2. Ivan Pavlov b) table of chemical elements

3. Alexander Popov c) theory of relativity

4. Albert Einstein d) radium

5. Marie Curie e) conditional reflexes

11*. Подберите предлог к глагольным структурам:

1. to complain…(жаловаться на) a) to b) for c) of;

2. to apologize… (извиняться за) a) to b) for c) of;

3. to prevent… (помешать; предотвратить) a) in b) to c) from;

4. to keep… (не позволить) a) in b) to c) from;

5. to participate… (участвовать в) a) on b)to c) in;

6. to be used…(привыкнуть к) a) for b) to c) of

12*. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. My family are used to eating Chinese food.


2. My father is used to reading newspapers at breakfast.


3. The children were looking forward to visiting the British Museum.


4. I never forget to thank my parents for going to the Black Sea.


13*. Подчеркните имена прилагательные:

Useful, unusual, investigation, behaviour, to reach, successful, daily, to produce, beautiful, invention, to destroy.

14*. Напишите как можно больше слов на тему «Наука и технология»:





15*. Переведите названия приспособлений, используемых в доме (хозяйстве):

1. toaster a) посудомоечная машина

2. cooker b) тостер

3. dishwasher c) пылесос

4. knife d) плита

5. vacuum cleaner e) топор

6. washing machine f) стиральная машина

7. hammer g) нож

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