Биболетова контрольные работы 9 класс – Контрольные работы по английскому языку 9 класс УМК М.З. Биболетова
Тест (9 класс) по теме: Тесты для учащихся 9-х классов, обучающихся по УМК «Enjoy English» 9 класс, автор М. З. Биболетова, Е. Е. Бабушис, раздел 3 — «Конфликты».
КИМ для проверки качества знаний по английскому языку.
УМК “Enjoy English”, автор Биболетова М.З., издательство «Титул» — 2011 г.,
9 класс.
Раздел 3. — «Конфликты». Вариант 1.
Задание №1. Вставьте пропущенные слова: peaceful, prevent, values, disagree, resolve.
When people (1) __ with each other, they may have conflicts. Conflicts happen
when people have different ideas or (2) __. It is not always possible to (3) __
conflicts. But we can (4) __ conflicts by (5) __ means.
Задание №2. Вставьте правильный фразовый глагол.
- They don’t … with each other.
- get away b) get along c) get back
- It took him many years to … the death of his parents.
- get over b) get off c) get together
- I won’t be able to … from the office before seven.
- get on b) get back c) get away
- I don’t want to … a society that supports smokers.
- put on b) put off c) put up with
- What time did you … last time?
- get away b) get back c) get together
Задание №3. Подберите слова к дефинициям.
- provide (v) a) to indicate the faults of something
- support (v) b) finding or learning something
- discovery (n) c) to help by approval, sympathy, or by giving money
- confident (adj) d) to offer (food, drink, information, opportunity, help, etc)
- criticize (v) e) a feeling that one can rely on oneself
Задание №4. Закончите разделительные вопросы.
- We have done something wrong, ____________?
- They admitted their mistake, ____________?
- You will show respect to your opponents, _________?
- Name- calling is very harmful, _______?
- You appreciate your friend’s help, _________?
Шкала оценивания:
18 баллов – 20 баллов – «5»
15 баллов – 17 баллов – «4»
12 баллов – 14 баллов – «3»
менее 12 баллов – «2»
Материал подготовила учитель английского языка:
Абольянина Анна Петровна.
КИМ для проверки качества знаний по английскому языку.
УМК “Enjoy English”, автор Биболетова М. З., издательство «Титул» — 2011 г.,
9 класс.
Раздел 3. – «Конфликты». Вариант 2.
Задание №1. Вставьте пропущенные слова: conservative, lovely, velvet, sign, reunion,
The mother thought her daughter would look (1) __ in the velvet dress. The
policeman gave the driver a (2) __ to stop the car. Old people are usually more
(3) __ than young people. Are you planning to have a family (4) __ at Christmas?
People who are unable to walk use a (5) __.
Задание №2. Вставьте правильный фразовый глагол.
- The bus driver will tell you where to … .
- get along with b) got on c) get off
- He is a new student, but he … fine at school.
- gets on b) gets together c) gets off
- She is a nice person to talk with and she never … my secrets.
- gets up b) gives in c) gives away
- She … her sickness quite soon.
- got up b) got through c) got over
- A reunion is a meeting of people who want to … after a separation.
- get together b) get over c) get back
Задание №3. Подбери слова к дефинициям.
- get on a) finding or learning something
- contrary (adj) b) to offer (food, information, help, etc)
- relax (v) c) to have comfortable or friendly relations
- discovery (n) d) the opposite (opinion idea, advice, etc)
- provide (v) e) to calm down or to rest
Задание №4. Закончите разделительные вопросы.
- We can settle this conflict, _________?
- They admitted their mistake, _________?
- The girl put on her black velvet dress, ______?
- She is still trying to get over her cold, _______?
- You appreciate your friend’s help, __________?
Шкала оценивания:
18 баллов – 20 баллов – «5»
15 баллов – 17 баллов – «4»
12 баллов – 14 баллов – «3»
менее 12 баллов – «2»
Материал подготовила учитель английского языка:
Абольянина Анна Петровна.
КИМ для проверки качества знаний по английскому языку.
УМК “Enjoy English”, автор Биболетова М. З., издательство «Титул» — 2011 г.,
9 класс.
Раздел 3. – «Конфликты». Вариант 3.
Задание №1. Вставьте пропущенные слова: argue, fair, share, get on, argument.
My sons Tom and Chris often have fights. They don’t (1) __ with each other.
They often (2) __ about things because they refuse to share them. For example,
we have only one TV set, and they can never (3) __ it. My husband and I had an
(4) __ about this conflict. I said that Tom had the right to watch TV because he
Was younger than Chris. But my husband said it was not (5) __.
Задание №2. Вставьте правильный фразовый глагол.
- She is still trying to … her cold.
- get together b) get over c) get off
- A group of mountain climbers from Russia … at the foot of the Himalayas.
- got together b) got along with c) got over
- Please put the knife … on the table before you hurt somebody.
- off b) down c) on
- The concert is … till next week.
- put off b) put down c) put on
- They don’t … with each other.
- get off b) get back c) get along
Задание №3. Подбери слова к дефинициям.
- support (v) a) to calm down or to rest
- confident (adj) b) to have comfortable or friendly relations
- get on (v) c) a feeling that one can rely on oneself
- relax (v) d) to help by approval, sympathy, or by giving money
- provide (v) e) to offer (food, drink, help, information, etc)
Задание №4. Закончите разделительные вопросы.
- They don’t get along with each other, ________?
- The bus driver will tell you where to get off, ______?
- She gives you the creeps, ________?
- There wasn’t a sign of life in the place, _________?
- Old people are usually more conservative than young people, ________?
Шкала оценивания:
18 баллов – 20 баллов – «5»
15 баллов – 17 баллов – «4»
12 баллов – 24 баллов – «3»
менее 12 баллов – «2»
Материал подготовила учитель английского языка:
Абольянина Анна Петровна.
КИМ для проверки качества знаний по английскому языку.
УМК “Enjoy English”, автор Биболетова М. З., издательство «Титул» — 2011 г.,
9 класс.
Раздел 3. – «Конфликты». Вариант 4.
Задание №1. Вставьте пропущенные слова: fair, take turns, solve the problems,
be fair, put the ideas into action.
The boys could not share the TV. Their father advised them to (1) __.
The parents wanted to (2) __ to their sons. In her letter, Ann told the
editor about her problem. The editor helped Ann (3) __. The editor’s
letter was full of good ideas. Ann decided to (4) __. The punishment
was not (5) __.
Задание №2. Вставьте правильный фразовый глагол.
- I don’t know how she … with her son’s fights.
- puts down b) puts up c) puts on
- I won’t be able to … from the office before seven.
- get away b) get back c) get together
- All of them had been friends for about ten years and … very well.
- got back b) got on c) got along
- It took him many years to … the death of his parents.
- get along b) get over c) get together
- The girl … her black velvet dress.
- put off b) put on c) put up with
Задание №3. Подбери слова к дефинициям.
- relax (v) a) to calm down or to rest
- contrary (adj) b) to help by approval, sympathy, or by giving money
- get on (v) c) the opposite (opinion idea, advice, etc)
- criticize (v) d) to have comfortable or friendly relations
- support (v) e) to indicate the faults of something
Задание №4. Закончите разделительные вопросы.
- The mother did not see any sign of beauty in her daughter’s behavior, _____?
- We should find a hotel to stay in, _______?
- He has done something wrong, _________?
- Your mother doesn’t want you to look wild, ________?
- They can come to settle any conflict in any country, _______?
Шкала оценивания:
18 баллов – 20 баллов – «5»
15 баллов – 17 баллов – «4»
12 баллов – 14 баллов – «3»
менее 12 баллов – «2»
Материал подготовила учитель английского языка:
Абольянина Анна Петровна.
Ключи к контрольно-измерительным материалам для проверки качества знаний по английскому языку. УМК “Enjoy English”, автор Биболетова М. З., издательство «Титул» — 2011 г., 9 класс.
Раздел 3. – «Конфликты».
Вариант 1.
Задание №1. Задание №2. Задание №3. Задание №4.
- disagree 1) b 1) d 1) haven’t we?
- values 2) a 2) c 2) didn’t they?
- resolve 3) c 3) b 3) won’t you?
- prevent 4) c 4) e 4) isn’t it?
- peaceful 5) b 5) a 5) don’t you?
Вариант 2.
Задание №1. Задание №2. Задание №3. Задание №4.
- lovely 1) c 1) c 1) can’t we?
- sign 2) a 2) d 2) didn’t they?
- conservative 3) c 3) e 3) doesn’t /didn’t she?
- reunion 4) c 4) a 4) isn’t she?
- wheelchair 5) a 5) b 5) don’t you?
Вариант 3.
Задание №1. Задание №2. Задание №3. Задание №4.
- get on 1) b 1) d 1) do they?
- argue 2) a 2) c 2) won’t he?
- share 3) b 3) b 3) doesn’t she?
- argument 4) a 4) a 4) was there?
- fair 5) c 5) e 5) aren’t they?
Вариант 4.
Задание 1. Задание №2. Задание №3. Задание №4.
1) take turns 1) b 1) a 1) did she?
2) be fair 2) a 2) c 2) shouldn’t we?
3)solve the problem 3) c 3) d 3) hasn’t he?
4) put the ideas into action 4) b 4) e 4) does she?
5) fair 5) b 5) b 5) can’t they?
Материал подготовила учитель английского языка:
Абольянина Анна Петровна.
Пояснительная записка к контрольно-измерительным материалам для проверки качества знаний по английскому языку для учащихся 9 класса, обучающихся по УМК “Enjoy English”, издательство «Титул» — 2011 г., автор Биболетова М. З.
Данная контрольная работа предлагается учащимся 9-х классов, обучающихся по учебнику “Enjoy English” (автор Биболетова М. З.). Задания контрольной работы составлены по материалам раздела 3 по теме «Конфликты» (Unit 3 – “Can we learn to live in peace?”). Контрольная работа составлена в 4 вариантах и включает в себя по 4 задания.
Задание №1. – Вставьте пропущенные слова по смыслу. С помощью этого задания проверяется знание лексического материала по данному разделу.
Задание №2. – Вставьте правильный фразовый глагол. С помощью этого задания проверяется знание фразовых глаголов put, get, give.
Задание №3. – Подбери слова к дефинициям. Проверяется знание активного словарного запаса по теме «Конфликты» и сформированность умений и навыков аналитического мышления.
Задание №4. – Закончите разделительные вопросы. С помощью данного задания проверяются умения и навыки составлять разделительные вопросы с различными глаголами в разных видовременных формах.
Инструкция по проверке контрольной работы.
За каждый правильный ответ учащийся получает 1 балл. В каждом задании содержится 5 тестов. Максимальное количество баллов – 20 при наличии всех правильных ответов. При наличии ошибок в контрольной работе у учащихся предлагается следующая шкала оценивания:
18 баллов – 20 баллов – «5»
15 баллов – 17 баллов – «4»
12 баллов – 14 баллов – «3»
менее 12 баллов — «2»
Инструктаж для учащихся по выполнению данной контрольной работы.
- Задания не нужно переписывать.
- Ответы к заданиям оформляются в виде теста.
- Ответы записываются разборчиво и чётко, исправления не допускаются.
Внимание! Не забудьте перед началом работы указать Ваше имя, фамилию и класс.
Желаем успеха!!!
Материал подготовила учитель английского языка:
Абольянина Анна Петровна.
Контрольные работы по английскому языку 9 класс к учебнику Enjoy English М.З. Биболетова
9 form Unit 1
Progress Check 1
Write a letter to your friend and tell him/her about the most interesting weekend you`ve had with your family or friends.
9 form Unit 1
Progress Check 1 page 60 (Student`s book)
You are planning an outing or day of entertainment. Make up a dialogue following the guideline. Then act out the dialogue. Don`t forget to greet each other and to say goodbye.
9 form Unit 2
Progress Check 2 page 102 (Student`s book)
Listen to the conversation and choose the right sentences.
a) Allan was in New York at 5 p.m.
b) Allan was in Moscow at 5 p.m , just according to the timetable.
c) Allan stayed at the airport because he was late for the plane.
a) Allan forgot his suitcase at home.
b) Allan took someone else`s suitcase and then returned to the airport in order to exchange suitcases.
c) Allan was happy to find someone`s suitcase at the airport.
a) Allan labelled his suitcase before the flight.
b) Allan never puts any labels on his things.
c) ) Allan didn`t come back to the airport so that he was too busy.
Listen to the conversation again and fill in the missing information.
I got to the airport on…….
It took you two hours more than usual to get from ……
But the suitcase itself looked absolutely…..
9 form Unit 2
Progress Check 2
Read the text at page 100 and do the tasks.
I. Choose the best ending to the sentence.
True or False.
The Cleopatra`s Needle is in the center of London on the bank of the Thames.
The obelisk is covered with hieroglyphs that tell us about the future of Mahommed Ali.
It was easy to transport the obelisk from Egypt to England.
The Needle was put into the metal container and then taken aboard a ship.
9 form Unit 2
Progress Check 2 page 101 (Student`s book)
You are on holiday (real or imaginary). Write a letter to your friend. Write about:
the transport you used
the weather
one of the sights (archaeological, historical,cultural places) that impressed you.
9 form Unit 2
Progress Check 2 page 102 (Student`s book)
You want to invite your pen friend from Canada to stay with your family in summer. Complete the telephone conversation.
9 form Unit 3
Progress Check 3 page 149 (Student`s book)
Listen to the conversation and choose the right sentences.
a)Edward had his family reunion that Monday.
b)Richard had his family reunion in October and he didn`t enjoy it.
c)Some of Richard`s relatives were really lovely and some were boring.
2) a) Richard`s relatives were so different, but they made one family and had fun together.
b) Edward thinks that his family reunion parties were so funny.
c) Edward`s father thinks that his son hadn`t a special talent for languages.
3) a)At the beginning of every party Edward`s father asked his son to dance.
b) At the beginning of every party Edward`s father asked his son to recite something in French, German and Spanish.
c) Edward liked to speak I public.
II. Listen to the conversation again and fill in the missing information.
But it is nice to see all of them…..
We are so different, but we make one family and we have fun……
So my father feels proud and I feel silly…….
9 form Unit 3
Progress Check 3
Read the text at page 150 and do the tasks.
Choose the best ending to the sentence.
True or False.
The UN is publishing books in order to protect people from racial and religious conflicts.
According to the authors of the book, peaceful museums can demonstrate the pictures of nature.
They organize different art exhibitions.
Every year the museum holds a special festival for everybody.
At that museum we can see a worldwide collection of smiles.
9 form Unit 3
Progress Check 3 page 151 (Student`s book)
Write what you think can cause conflict and misunderstanding between:
parents and teenagers
teachers and teenagers
9 form Unit 3
Progress Check 3 page 152 (Student`s book)
Read the text below. Then speak about the following points.
Express your agreement or disagreement with the idea.
Give some arguments to support your point of view.
9 form Unit 4
Progress Check 4 page 182 (Student`s book)
Listen to the people speaking about their future careers. Match the number of each speaker with the sentence that reflect his or her idea most accurately.
I am going to take up my fathers job and try to concentrate on the family business.
I think that my relatives` professions are not for me and I know what to choose.
I haven`t decided what to do after leaving school yet; I`ll concentrate on my studies and choose my career later.
I want to take up my father`s job and become a famous surgeon.
I don`t want to think about any problems and about my future career. I just want to have a nice time!
9 form Unit 4
Progress Check 4
Read the text at page 183 and do the tasks.
True or False.
Ben looks worried because he had a lot of problems with his parents.
Ben hadn`t decided his future plans yet.
Ben hasn`t passed his exams.
Ben decided everything about his career when he was little.
Ben wants to have any job that allows him to work outside when it`s good weather and to work inside in bad weather.
Ben cares about the satisfaction and stability in a job.
Ben can also work at the weekend.
Ben thinks about a good money and promotion opportunities only.
Ben never thought about the job of babysitter.
10)Ben discovers that a job as a coach might be suitable for him.
9 form Unit 4
Progress Check 4 page 184 (Student`s book)
Write a portrait of a famous film star. Describe his/her appearance, nature, character and everyday life.
9 form Unit 4
Progress Check 4 page 185 (Student`s book)
Imagine that you are being interviewed by a journalist of a radio programme called “Meet yourself”. It`s a programme for teenagers. The journalist asks different questions in order to find out what worries and what interests people of your age.
ГДЗ Английский язык 9 класс Биболетова, Трубанева
Английский язык 9 класс
Рабочая тетрадь №2 (Контрольные работы)
Биболетова, Трубанева
Enjoy English
Многим нравится неспешное, мелодичное звучание английского языка, но только школьники не по наслышке знают, как сложно его добиться на самом деле. Многие годы тренировок не гарантируют чистого выговора и точного понимания всех нюансов. Однако это не означает, что при изучении данного предмета не стоит прикладывать особых усилий, ведь стараниями Министерства образования — это теперь одна из обязательных дисциплин. Решебник к учебнику «Английский язык. Рабочая тетрадь No2. 9 класс» Биболетова поможет справиться со многими трудностями.
Чего стоит ожидать от решебника.
Сборник имеет несколько частей, после каждой из которых содержатся проектные задания. Они призваны не только закрепить ранее изученный материал, но и выработать определенные языковые навыки. Точные ответы и оптимальные примеры по каждому упражнению в
Есть ли от него польза.
Если школьник не научился к этому классу справляться со всем самостоятельно, без использования различных дидактических пособий, то навряд ли у него/нее выработается отличное понимание предмета и существенно прибавится знаний. Но не стоит так же и оставлять учащихся без поддержки, так как навряд ли кому понравится испорченный аттестат. Решебник к учебнику «Английский язык. Рабочая тетрадь No2. 9 класс» Биболетова не возместит всех пропущенных ранее знаний, но хотя бы поможет им понять суть программы этого учебного года. «Титул», 2016 г.
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Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 9 класса по УМК Биболетова М.З. (Unit 3)
Контрольная работа по иностранному языку (английскому) для 9 класса
по УМК Биболетова М.З. Раздел 3.
Test Yourself.
I. Grammar and Vocabulary.1. Fill in the phrasal verbs.
1) According to the police, the criminal will not be able to (1) _________ in a stolen car. The police are chasing them already.
2) Yes, I believe your plan is good. When can we all (2) __________ and discuss the details?
3) I’m sorry but we’ll have to (3) ________ our trip. I’m very busy with my work at the moment.
4) We haven’t got any result yet, but we’re going to (4) ________ with our research.
5) Where are my glasses? I’m short-sighted, I can’t (5) ________ them. Please help me find them.
6) It’s not far from here. Take bus number 124 and (6) ________ at the next stop but one. Or you can walk there.
2. Use the words in the appropriate forms.
1) Uganda is known as a country with a high level ethic ____________ .
a) diversity b) diverse c) diversesety
2) This coastal village has been isolated from the civilized worlds for decades, which probably explains the villagers’ mistrust and even ___________ to strangers.
a) hostile b) hostility c) hostible
3) He never listened to anybody and was very __________ towards other people’s opinions. He wanted everyone to agree with him.
a) tolerance b) tolerant c) intolerant
4) There’s no need to explain our problem to him. He is ____________ to our concerns and will never help.
a) different b) difference c) indifferent
5) _________ of opportunity is a great idea. Lots of aggressive people have written about it.
a) equal b) equality c) unequal
6) I can say that I __________ agree with your arguments. They were very convincing.
a) completely b) complete c) completion
7) I hate arguing with people but it happens a lot anyway. Yesterday I _________ a quarrel with my brother. a) had b) have c) had had
8) I got angry because he interrupted me while I ___________ on the phone with my classmate.
a) was talking b) had talked c) talked
9) I slammed the door and _______ him not to come.
a) tell b) told c) had told
10) When mother came home, my brother was crying and mum got upset. I said that I _______ though I didn’t feel guilty at all.
a) was apologizing b)apologized c) would apologize
11) Mum always _________ up with my brother because he is small.
a) stuck b) had stuck c) sticks
12) Would she defend me all the time if I _______ the youngest in the family.
a) am b) were c) will be
II. Reading.
3. Choose the best title for each passage.
Generation gap2.
Attractive but unhealthy
Youth movements and societies
Always busy
Conflicts with friends
Parents’ ambitions
Are teenagers happy?
They want to earn and spend
The age between 14 and 17 is often considered to be one of the best periods in a person’s life. Grown-ups remember it with excitement and happiness. They wish they were teenagers again. However, most teenagers won’t agree with this point of view if they were asked. They’re sure that they are facing a lot of difficult problems and that’s quite true.B.
Smoking has become one of the most important problems for modern teenagers. About 40 percent of teenagers are attracted by the bright cigarette advertisement. It seems they just don’t realize the harm it does to their health, because advertisements show smoking as something positive. They really believe that smoking will make them look like they’re cool and grown-up.
In fact, teenagers have got a lot of work. They’re busy with their studies, household chores, some of them have jobs. They can’t even find a moment to entertain themselves at times. It’s a more serious problem especially for those who are responsible and want to be successful students and good children.
The problem number one for most young people is between fathers and sons. All young people want to be independent, they want their parents to listen to their opinion. As for parents, they want to control their children’s lives. At the same time some parents can’t find a common language with their kids and simply don’t pay enough attention to them.
They say that all teenagers want to have a lot of money to dress well, to go to theatres, to visit foreign countries, to eat what they want and to buy books. But how can they do all these things? They have to get some money and it’s possible to do it. Some teenagers wash cars, others sell newspapers, help elderly people and babysit.
School ages are also very difficult. Children are always stressed because of their marks at school. It seems to teenagers that they do a lot of homework, but mothers and fathers are never satisfied. They want their children to have the highest marks at school. Teenagers do their best, but adults are never happy. They always want more.
There are many organizations which unite young people. Teenagers get together because of common interests and beliefs. Members of every organization have their own attitudes to the world. There are some informal clubs, for example: emos, hippies, punks, and so on. However, some teenagers choose to join more serious groups like Greenpeace.
4. Read the text. Mark TRUE/FALSE/NOT STATED statements.
School uniform
A great fight still goes on. The question is: should students wear school uniform? As with most things, there are two sides to the debate. Some people say that all schools should introduce uniforms. Others are sure that school uniforms are old-fashioned. However, both arguments have experts on their side. There is no clear answer. Let’s look at the pros and cons of it.Many experts believe that students who wear school uniforms study much better than those who don’t. This is because you don’t have to worry about what you are wearing each day. As a result your attention improves and you learn to concentrate better on your studies. Wearing a uniform in calming colors makes you feel more serious and responsible.
They say if you wear a uniform then you won’t behave in a violent or inappropriate way at school. A uniform is a rule and rules must be obeyed. Research showed that students in uniforms don’t play as many tricks on their classmates, tease or bully them as much as their casually dressed mates.
Everyone wants to look their best and better than their classmates. Everybody wants to be popular and wear the latest fashions. However, not all students have enough money to buy stylish clothes. Uniforms make them all equal, social differences are not seen. No one wears expensive brands. Everyone wears the same thing, exactly the same brand. With a uniform, there is less competition in class.
School uniforms, however, are not always cheap for parents, especially if there are two or more children in a family and they all go to school. Parents can’t buy any skirt or trousers they want. They can’t shop in the sales either. What is more, many schools have several uniforms such as an everyday uniform, a formal uniform for special events and a uniform for P.E. classes.
Students in uniforms look the same. Uniforms don’t give students individuality so they have to look for other opportunities to express themselves. For example, they might start using make-up early, behaving badly or wearing bright accessories as a reaction against it. It’s not the answer.
Finally, there’s comfort. Lots of students complain that they feel uncomfortable when they wear uniforms in class. Some children have sensitive skin and like to wear 100% cotton clothes. Uniforms are often made from synthetics, such as polyester which is harmful for a child’s skin, especially if the child spends the whole day at school.
And we are back to the question: to wear or not to wear? You decide.
There are different opinions about school uniform.
True b) False c) not stated
A school uniform can improve students’ marks.
a) True b) False c) not stated
A uniform makes students aggressive.
True b) False c) not stated
Fashion designers create collections of school uniforms.
a)True b) False c) not stated
5) Uniforms can be expensive for parents.
a) True b) False c) not stated
6) Students in uniforms try to find ways to look different.
a) True b) False c) not stated
7) All uniforms are made of natural materials.
a) True b) False c) not stated
III. Writing.
You have 30 minutes to do this task.
You have received a letter from your English–speaking pen friend, Ben.
…We’ve moved house and now I have to go to a new school. It’s a pity because I liked my old school and I had a lot of friends there. Now I feel a bit lonely but I hope to find some friends here too….
…What do you like most about your school? Have you got a lot of friends at school? What do you usually do with your school friends in your free time? …
Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions.
Write 100–120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.
I. Grammar and Vocabulary.
1. 1) get away
2) get together
3) put off
4) go on
5) do without
6) get off
2. 1) a 2)b 3) c 4) c 5)b 6)a 7)a 8) a 9)b 10) c 11)c 12)b
II. Reading.
3) A-7, B- 2, C-4, D-1, E-8, F-6, G-3.
4) 1-a
Контрольная работа (Биболетова), 9 класс
Административная контрольная работа для 9 класса по английскому языку.
Вариант 1
Underline the word with the same or similar meaning.
to damage
a disaster
to be out of luck b) to hurt c) to be in trouble
danger b) trouble c) luck
an experiment b) an achievement c) an exploration
terrible b) hard c) exciting
Stormy b) foggy c) rainy
Match the words which have opposite meanings.
To prohibit
To protect
To pollute
To throw
To drop litter
To be in danger
To avoid doing something
To damage
To clear rubbish away
To be out of danger
To allow
To enjoy doing something
To clean
To catch
Choose the correct answer.
He … troubled yesterday.
Looked b) is looking c) had looked
They … football from 2 till 5 yesterday.
Played b) were playing c) had played
He … his work by that time.
Finished b) was finishing c) had finished
What … you … at 5 pm yesterday?
Did … do b) were … doing c) had …done
Where … you … your summer holidays?
Did … spend b) were … spending c) had … spent
Fill in “the” if needed.
The official name of the country is … United Kingdom of … Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The country is situated in … British Isles. The two main islands are: … Great Britain (in which are … England, Wales, Scotland) and … Ireland. … United Kingdom is not far from … Europe. … UK is washed by … Atlantic Ocean in the east and by … North Sea in the west. The highest mountains are in … Scotland and … Wales: … Ben Nevis and … Snowdon. The longest rivers are: … Severn and … River Thames.
Административная контрольная работа для 9 класса по английскому языку.
Вариант 2
Underline the word with the same or similar meaning.
to damage
a disaster
to be out of luck b) to hurt c) to be in trouble
danger b) trouble c) luck
an experiment b) an achievement c) an exploration
terrible b) hard c) exciting
Stormy b) foggy c) rainy
Match the words which have opposite meanings.
To prohibit
To protect
To pollute
To throw
To drop litter
To be in danger
To avoid doing something
To damage
To clear rubbish away
To be out of danger
To allow
To enjoy doing something
To clean
To catch
Choose the correct answer.
She ………. German.
a) isn’t speaking b) doesn’t speak c) don’t speaks d) not speak
2. Betsy ……… her jeans when Pete ………… in.
a) was washing, came b) washed, was coming c) was washing, was coming d) washed, comed
3. Diane …….. next spring.
a) will be traveling b) will travels c) will travel d) wills travel
4. The women ……… in the sea now.
a) swims b) is swimming c) swim d) are swimming
5. …… you …… at the university?
a) Do… study b) Are… studying? C) Does … study? D) Is … studying
Fill in “the” if needed.
The official name of the country is … United Kingdom of … Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The country is situated in … British Isles. The two main islands are: … Great Britain (in which are … England, Wales, Scotland) and … Ireland. … United Kingdom is not far from … Europe. … UK is washed by … Atlantic Ocean in the east and by … North Sea in the west. The highest mountains are in … Scotland and … Wales: … Ben Nevis and … Snowdon. The longest rivers are: … Severn and … River Thames.
Контрольная работа по английскому языку 9 класс , УМК Биболетова М. З. » Enjoy English «
Контрольная работа по английскому языку
9 класс, I четверть, УМК Биболетова «Enjoy English-9»
1 вариант
Listen to the text and write T fo True, F for False.
The writer went to the theatre._______
He cried all the way through the new film.______
This restaurant does actually exist.______
The owner of the restaurant was very angry with the director.______
In the film in the restaurant everything goes right.______
The film company paid her much money.______
Jane was afraid that people will stop coming.______
She decided to contact with famous magazine._______
II. Fill in articles, where is necessary.
How many bridges were there in … London at …beginning of … 11th century?
Did you travel to …North?
We had …wonderful time in … Windsor Safary Park?
… Mr.West lives in … small town in … west of … England.
Do you like to travel by … plane or by … car?
Where is … Red Square?
III. Choose the right option and fill in the gaps.
1. You shouldn’t be rude to people who are trying to help you. … advice if you don’t like it, but behave yourself.
a) ignore b)deserve c)confess d)follow
2. Nobody except us knew about the plan. It means that the person who …us is here in this room.
a) had betrayed b)betray c)has betrayed d)was betrayed
3. I envy her because she is so good at languages. She … Italian for only a year and can already speak it perfectly.
a) have been learning b)had learnt c)has been learning d)was learning
4. When the fire began, I found out that the door was locked. It was my roommate who … me from the fire.
a) rescued b)has rescued c)had been rescuing d)rescues
5. Wherever we live and … language we speak we all need friends.
a) whoever b)however c)whatever d)whenever
IV. Read the words and find their definitions.
1) a chatterbox a) to behave dishonestly towards a person who believes you
2) a bore b) it’s hard to believe
3) to appreciate c) to be grateful for something
4) to betray d) someone who is boring
5) to deserve e) to have a bad feeling towards somebody
6) to envy f)someone who talks too much
7) incredible g) to earn something by actions
V. Choose the right answer.
1) He ___ in the garden when Tom ___.
A) sat; was coming B) was sitting; came
2) I ___ a message from Kelly last Saturday.
A) have got B) got
3) My mother wasn’t at the shop when I ___.
A) had come B) came
4) For long month she ___ his secret.
A) had been keeping B) had kept
5) Our car ___ at the moment.
A) is being cleaned B) is cleaned
6) He doesn’t try hard,___?
A) do he B) doesn’t he C) does he
7) His name ___ in the book.
A) hasn’t been mentioned B) wasn’t mentioned
8) I think he ___ the address already.
A) has found B) has been found
9) There is nobody there,___?
A) is there B) isn’t there C) does there
10) Mary has just written a letter,___?
A) has she B) doesn’t she C) hasn’t she
Тест по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему: Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку 9 класс (Биболетова)
Итоговая контрольная работа 9 класс
Пояснительная записка
Инструкция по выполнению работы
Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку состоит из двух частей (письменной и устной). На выполнение контрольной работы требуется 90 минут.
В письменной части работы предлагается выполнить задания, которые даны в следующей последовательности.
В разделе 1 (задания по аудированию) предполагается прослушивание текста и выполнение заданий на понимание услышанного. Рекомендуемое время на выполнение данного раздела — 15 минут.
Раздел 2 (задания по чтению) включает задания, которые позволят оценить понимание прочитанных текстов. Рекомендуемое время на выполнение заданий — 15 минут.
Раздел 3 содержит задания по лексике и грамматике. Рекомендуемое время на выполнение раздела — 20 минут.
В разделе 4 (задание по письму) предусмотрено 1 задание, предлагающее написать личное письмо. Рекомендуемое время на выполнение — 20 минут.
Устная часть итоговой контрольной работы состоит из трех заданий: чтение текста, ответы на вопросы и монологическое высказывание по заданной теме. — 20 минут.
Максимальное количество баллов за правильно выполненное задание по аудированию — 4 балла, по чтению — 7 баллов, по грамматике — 9 баллов, по лексике — 5 баллов, по письму — 10 баллов, по чтению текста – 2 балла, ответы на вопросы – 6 баллов, по говорению — 7 баллов. Общее максимальное количество баллов — 50.
Критерии оценивания данной контрольной работы:
проценты | 0 – 39 % | 40 – 59 % | 60 — 79% | 80 – 100% |
отметка | отметка «2» | отметка «3» | отметка «4» | отметка «5» |
баллы | 0-19 баллов | 20-29 баллов | 30-39 баллов | 40-50 баллов |
письменная часть
проценты | 0 – 39 % | 40 – 59 % | 60 — 79% | 80 – 100% |
отметка | отметка «2» | отметка «3» | отметка «4» | отметка «5» |
баллы | 0-13 баллов | 14-20 баллов | 21-27 баллов | 28-35 баллов |
Составлена на основе:
- Биболетова М.З. и др. Английский язык: Английский с удовольствием / EnjoyEnglish: Учебник для 9 кл.общеобраз.учрежд./ М.З.Биболетова, Е.Е.Бабушис, О.И.Кларк, А.Н.Морозова, И.Ю.Соловьева. – Обнинск: Титул, 2010. — 240 с.: ил .
- Веселова Ю. С. Основной государственный экзамен. Английский язык. Комплекс материалов для подготовки учащихся. Учебное пособие./ Ю. С. Веселова. – Москва: Интеллект – Центр, 2016. – 128 с.
- Вербицкая М., Манн М., Тейлор — Ноулз. Тесты для подготовки к ГИА по английскому языку. – Макмиллан, 2014. – с. 207
Final Test Form 9
Part 1.LISTENING (4 points)
Вы услышите четыре коротких диалога, обозначенных буквами A, B, C, D. Определите, где происходит каждый из этих диалогов. Используйте каждое место действия 1-5 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее место действия.
- In a café
- On a bus
- At a sport center
- In a TV studio
- In a car
Диалог | A | B | C | D |
Место действия |
Part 2.READING (7 points)
Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами и их заголовками: к каждому тексту, обозначенному буквами А-G, подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозначенный цифрами 1-8. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.
1. International language
2. English was not for everyone
3. American English
4. Necessary for communication
5. Former British colonies
6. The Norman conquest of England
7. Efficient ways to learn English
8. English-speaking countries
A. The problem of learning languages is very important today. Foreign languages are socially demanded especially at the present time when the progress in science and technology has led to an explosion of knowledge and has contributed to an overflow of information. The total knowledge of mankind is known to double every seven years. Foreign languages are needed as the main and the most efficient means of information exchange of the peoples.
B. Today English is the language of the world. Over 300 million people speak it as a mother tongue. The native speakers of English live in Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand and the United States of America. English is one of the official languages in the Irish Republic, Canada, the South African Republic. As a second language it is used in the former British and US colonies.
C. English is not only the national or official language of some thirty states which represent different cultures, but it is also the major international language for communication in such areas as science, technology, business and mass entertainment. English is one of the official languages of the United Nations Organization and other political organizations. It is the language of literature, education, modem music, international tourism.
D. What did the Norman Conquest do to England? It gave it French kings and nobles who brought with them the French language. After the Norman Conquest there were three languages in England. There was Latin, the language of the church in which all learned men wrote and spoke. Then there was French, the language which the kings and nobles spoke and wrote. Finally, there was the English language which remained the language of poor people who did not understand French or Latin but spoke only English.
E. So far there is no universal or ideal method of learning languages. Everybody has his own way. Sometimes it is boring to study grammar or to learn new words. But it is well known that reading original books in English, listening to the BBC news, communicating with the English speaking people will help a lot. When learning a foreign language you learn the culture and history of native speakers.
F. The conquest of England by the Normans began in 1066 with the battle of Hastings, where the English fought against the Normans. The conquest was complete in 1086. Who were these Normans who conquered England? They were Vikings or ‘Norsemen’, men from the North. Some 150 years before the conquest of England they came to a part of France, opposite England, a part which we now call Normandy.
G. The beginning of 1600th was the English colonization of North America and the creation of an American dialect. Some pronunciations and usages didn’t change when they reached the American shore. In certain respects, American English is closer to the English of Shakespeare than modem British English is. Some «Americanisms» are actually originally British expressions that were preserved in the colonies while lost at home (e.g., fall as a synonym for autumn, trash for rubbish, loan as a verb instead of lend).
Part 3.USE of ENGLISH (GRAMMAR and VOCABULARY) (14 points)
Task 1. Прочитайте предложения. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные в конце строк, так чтобы они грамматически соответствовали предложению. Запишите слово.
- The teacher expected ____ to do homework. (he)
- He didn’t see the schoolboys bulling a disabled person. If he _____them, he would have stopped them. (see)
- I would prefer _____ at home and watch TV. (stay)
- The number of the seat _____ on your boarding pass. (to write)
- Your dress looks smart. Have you made it _____? (you)
- TV is one of _______ inventions and I don’t see any danger in it. (useful)
- _____you ever _______ to a youth or a student camp? (to be)
- ____ he usually ______ on well with his classmates? (to get)
- He will use five steps to resolve the conflict if he ____ a problem. (to have)
Task 2. Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами, так чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Запишите слова.
When people 1________ with each other, they may have conflicts. | AGREE |
Conflicts happen when people have different ideas or 2__________. | VALUE |
It isn’t always 3___________to prevent conflicts by peaceful means. | POSSIBILITY |
We must try to resolve conflicts 4____________ because | PEACEFUL |
they can lead to 5 ___________ or bad relations between people. | VIOLENT |
Part 4.WRITING (10 points)
You have 30 minutes to do this task.
You have received a letter from your English-speaking friend, Samuel.
… I ’ve just passed my school-leaving exams and now I ’m getting ready to enter the college. I want to study computing. Have you ever thought of your future profession yet? Do you think it is a right profession nowadays? Why? Are you influenced by your parents or your friends in choosing a profession?… |
Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions.
Write 100 — 120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.
Task 1. You need to read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, and then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not have more than 2 minutes for reading aloud.
(2 points)
In recent history, there have been some amazing inventions which have changed our lives. The airplane has made international travel faster and easier. The computer can store the contents of a library. And you probably know the names of some famous inventors like Henry Ford or Steve Jobs. But for every famous invention and inventor there are many everyday objects which we don’t notice and we don’t know who invented them. Take the inventor Nils Bohlin who invented the modern-day car seatbelt. His invention has saved millions of lives. There were other types of seatbelt, but he developed the first one which went across the chest and across the legs and then joined at the same place. Amazingly, this was a very simple idea which no one had tried before — and that’s probably true of so many great inventions.
Task 2. Take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give full answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question. (6 points)
- Electronic assistant: Hello! It’s the electronic assistant of the Happy Family Club. We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out how people in our region feel about living in a big family. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous — you don’t have to give your name. So, let’s get started.
- Electronic assistant: Do you come from a big family?
- Student:
- Electronic assistant: What do you usually do together as a family?
- Student:
- Electronic assistant: Who is your favourite family member? Why?
- Student:
- Electronic assistant: What are the advantages of having a lot of siblings?
- Student:
- Electronic assistant: Why do you think some people prefer to be the only child in the family?
- Student:
- Electronic assistant: What makes a family friendly?
- Student:
- Electronic assistant: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your cooperation.
Task 3. Вариант 1. (7 points)
Give a talk about travelling.
Remember to say:
- why most people like travelling;
- where you would like to go on your holidays;
- what means of transport is the best for travelling, why.
You have to talk for 1.5–2 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then he/she will ask you some questions.
Task 3. Вариант 2.
Give a talk about free time.
Remember to say:
- what you enjoy doing in your free time;
- whether you prefer spending your free time with your friends or alone, why;
- what you would do if you had more free time.
You have to talk for 1.5–2 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then he/she will ask you some questions.
- him
- had seen
- to stay
- is written
- yourself
- the most useful
- Have__ been?
- Does ___ get?
- has