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Контрольная работа по английскому языку 1 класс форвард 1 четверть – Контрольная работа по английскому языку 1 четверть

Контрольная работа по английскому языку УМК «FORWARD» 3 класс 1 четверть

ФАМИЛИЯ, ИМЯ, КЛАСС ______________________________________________

ДАТА _________________________________________________________________

Задание 1. Ветеринар предупредил, что примет посетителей по списку в алфавитном порядке. Пронумеруй имена ребят и клички их питомцев. Кто попадет на прием последним?











Задание 2. Поставь рядом со словом номер звука, который есть в этом слове

1 — [s] 2 – [k] 3 – [t ]

City_____________ mice___________

Kitchen __________ coat___________

Centipede_________ chip__________

Africa ___________ check__________

America__________ country_________

Задание 3. Угадай дни недели и напиши их названия по — английски

  1. The day after Thursday______________________________

  2. The day before Monday_____________________________

  3. The day after Tuesday______________________________

  4. The day before Sunday_____________________________

Задание 4. Напиши числа словами.




Задание 5. Прочитай про себя текст, вставляя пропущенные формы глагола

to be: am, is, are

Hello! My name _________Smile.

I __________ten.

This ___________my friend.

His name__________ Mike.

He ________nine.

We __________from Moscow.

Moscow __________famous for its Kremlin.

Задание 6. Вставь пропущенные реплики в диалоге.

Ben : — What is your name?

Nikita: — _______________________________________________________

Ben : — Where are you from?

Nikita: — ________________________________________________________

Ben : — What is the capital of Russia?

Nikita: — ________________________________________________________

Ben : — What is the capital of Australia?

Nikita: — ________________________________________________________

Контрольная работа по английскому языку за I полугодие 1 вариант (7 класс) по учебнику М.Вербицкой «Forward»

МБОУ СОШ №2 с.Арзгир

Ф.И.__________________________________ Класс______

Test (Form 7, I semester)

Variant 1

  1. Read the text. Circle the right answer.

After inventing dynamite Swedish-born Alfred Nobel became a very rich man. However, he realized its destructive powers too late. Nobel preferred not to be remembered as the inventor of dynamite, so in 1895, just two weeks before his death, he created a fund to be used for awarding prizes to people who made worthwhile contributions to mankind. Originally there were five awards: literature, physics, chemistry, medicine and peace. Economics was added in 1968, just sixty-seven years after the first awards ceremony.

Nobel’s original legacy of nine million dollars was invested, and the interest of this sum is used for tile awards which vary from $30,000 to $125,000.

Every year on December 10, the anniversary of Nobel’s death, the awards (gold medal, illuminated diploma and money) are presented to the winners.

No awards were presented from 1940 to 1942 at the beginning of World War II. Some people have won two prizes, but this is rare; others have shared their prizes.

1. When was the fund for awarding Nobel prizes founded?

1) in 1940 2) in 1895 3) in 1942 4) in 1968

2. Why was the Nobel prize established?

1) to spend money

2) to resolve political differences

3) to honor the inventor of dynamite

4) to recognize worthwhile contributions to humanity

3. In which area have people received awards since 1968?

1) literature 2) peace 3) economics 4) science

4. In how many fields are prizes given?

1) five 2) six 3) four 4) tell

2. Read the people’s opinions about zoos.


When I was younger I liked zoos but I don’t like them now. The animals look so sad.


I like visiting zoos if the animals have lots of space. Some zoos are great!


Zoos are cruel. Animals need to be free, not closed in cages.

Are they for

or against zoos? Put a tick (V) or a cross (X) near each speaker’s name.




  1. Circle the right form of the adjective in each sentence.

Model: 0. This is the slowest/ the most slow/ the slower bus in the world!


The Rolex is the most expensive/ the expensivest/ the more expensive watch in the world.


My mum is the best/ the goodest/ the most good cook in the world.


The Ferrari is the fastest/ the most fast/ the faster car in our town.

  1. Complete the sentences with the absolute forms of the pronouns.


Whose bicycle is this? It’s Sally’s. It’s hers.


Whose book is this? It’s Tom’s. It’s _______ .


Whose car is this? It’s Frank and Donna’s. It’s _______ .


Is this handbag mine or Tony’s? It’s not Tony’s. It’s _______ .


Is this Jim and Tracy’s computer? Yes, it is. It’s _______ .

  1. Write sentences with the correct forms (Past Simple or Past Continuous) of the verbs.


John and Jill have lunch/ Jenny arrive

John and Jill were having lunch when Jenny arrived .


James watch TV/ Robert phone



Sandy sleep/ Claudia come into the room


Key to Test (Form 7, I semester)

Variant 1



















The Rolex is the most expensive watch in the world.


My mum is the best cook in the world.


The Ferrari is the fastest car in our town.



Whose book is this? It’s Tom’s. It’s his .


Whose car is this? It’s Frank and Donna’s. It’s theirs .


Is this handbag mine or Tony’s? It’s not Tony’s. It’s mine .


Is this Jim and Tracy’s computer? Yes, it is. It’s theirs .



James watch TV/ Robert phone

James was watching TV when Robert phoned .


Sandy sleep/ Claudia come into the room

Sandy was sleeping when Claudia came into the room .

Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку для начальных классов к УМК «Forward»

I вариант.

Задание I. Соедини

буквы и соответствующие им звуки:

ch sh g e ck th o a

[ ∫ ] [ əυ ] [ ð ] [æ] [ t∫ ] [ i: ] [ k ] [ dʒ ]

Задание II. Выбери правильный вариант (am, is, are) :

1)  I … Ann.

2)  Ben … 9.

3)  She … nice.

4)  Tom and Jane …friends.

5)  They … pupils.

6)  We … gymnasts.

Задание III. Выбери верную форму:

1)  Vera have / has got five foxes.

2)  I have / has got nine dogs.

3)  He have / has got a watch.

4)  You have / has got seven books.

Задание IV. Соедини слова с переводом…

Задание V. Образуй множественное число:

a fox a lion a bus an orange a friend

Задание VI. Выбери правильную форму


1)  Dasha like / likes cats.

2)  Nikita live / lives in Moscow.

3)  I draw / draws funny pictures.

4)  They play / plays football.

Итоговая контрольная работа 2 класс

II вариант.

Задание I. Соедини буквы и соответствующие им звуки:

i ch u sh g ck th a

[ ∫ ] [ aı ] [θ] [ eı ] [ t∫ ] [ ju: ] [ k ] [ dʒ ]

Задание II. Выбери правильный вариант (am, is, are) :

1)  My name … Mary.

2)  He … a pupil.

3)  Jill and Jenny … happy.

4)  It … black.

5)  We … children.

6)  I … 10.

Задание III. Выбери верную форму:

1)  Maxim have / has got two pens.

2)  We have / has got a bus.

3)  I have / has got six nuts.

4)  She have / has got three cats.

Задание IV. Соедини слова с переводом…

Весь материал — в документе.

Конрольные работы за 1 четверть по английскому языку 5 и 10 класс, по программе УМК «Английский язык-5 класс (Forward) под редакцией доктора филологических наук, профессора М.В. Вербицкой

Final test for 1 term. 10 grade.

Listening. Task 1.

Listen to the conversation and match one of the appropriate answers (T-true, F-false, N-not stated).

  1. John usually spends Christmas at his parents` house.

  2. Angela is rather pessimistic about her chances to get the job.

  3. John considers Angela a workaholic.

  4. John is enthusiastic about Angela moving to Russia.

  5. Angela worked in an international company in Canada.

  6. John is more optimistic than Angela about her chances to get the job.

  7. John is going to leave at 2 p.m.

Reading. Task 2.

Read the text carefully, than match sentences A-G below with gaps 1-7.

F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940)

1.____ he was born in St. Paul, Minnesota, ant entered Princeton University in 1913. In 1917 he left before graduating to join the US Army. While stationed in Alabama, he met and became engaged to Zelda Sayre, who also had ambitions to be a writer.

2.____ he moved to New York and worked briefly for an advertising agency. In the same year, he sold his first short story, Babes in the Wood. In the story, the hero, like Fitzgerald, goes to Princeton before joining the army (unlike Fitzgerald, the character gets sent to France to fight in the First World War) and then in advertising. 3.____, Fitzgerald returned to St. Paul and rewrote a novel he had started in the army, This Side of Paradise, which was published in 1920 and was an immediate success.

4.____, Fitzgerald and Zelda Sayre were married in 1920, and two years later they moved to Great Neck, New York. Living in this rich community gave Fitzgerald a lot of material for his 1925 novel The Great Gatsby. Although he was writing and publishing stories and novels, the couple needed to live more cheaply, so in 1924 they moved to Europe. While they were living there, Fitzgerald`s greatest novel, The Great Gatsby, was published.

5.____, the Fitzgeralds travelled back and forth between Europe and the States several times. For a couple of periods he worked in Hollywood as a screenwriter, and he later returned to take up a well- paid contract with a film studio. Despite his talents as a writer, he only completed one film script before being sacked because of his problems with alcohol.

6.____ because she was suffering from mental health problems and living in a hospital. Although they never got divorced, he started a relationship with a journalist, and it was in her apartment that he died of a heart attack in 1940. Zelda outlived him by eight years but died tragically in a fire in the mental hospital where she was living.

7.____ the Fitzgeralds represented the 1920s jazz age. They were both talented people, and F. Scott Fitzgerald is thought to be one of the USA`s finest novelist. Sadly, they both had problems which some people think destroyed them and wasted their talents.

  1. American novelist and short storywriter.

  2. With their good looks and wild lifestyle.

  3. In the following years.

  4. Encouraged by the success of the story.

  5. By the mid 1930s, he and Zelda were living separately.

  6. After he left the army in 1919.

  7. After a turbulent romance.

Lexicology. Task 3.

  1. Complete the text with the correct alternatives.

Do you dream of being a 1.___ rock star with a 2.___ -driven Rolls Royce and dozens of 3.___ chasing you for your 4.___? Think carefully! Not everyone is 5.___ the task. You need to be very determined and 6.___. How would you feel if you went to 7.___ and the judges said you had a terrible voice or you were too fat?

  1. A. comedian B. millionaire. C. monk. D. instructor.

  2. A. bodyguard B. graduate. C. pope. D. chauffeur.

  3. A. fans B. spies. C. coaches. D. aristocrats.

  4. A. consultation B. courage. C. talent. D. autograph.

  5. A. up to B. up on. C. over to. D. in with

  6. A. suspicious B. confident. C. lonely. D. addicted

  7. A. an opera B. consultation. C. an audition. D. an appointment.

  1. Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs from the box.

Achieve / attend / fulfil / make the most of / mess up / miss / overcome

Some people suffer from phobias that rule their lives. For example, someone who has agoraphobia is too frightened to leave their home. However, people don’t have to let phobias 1. ___ their lives if they have enough determination to 2.___ success. Sometimes they decide to get help because they realise that they 3.___ too many opportunities.

Last year, for example, my grandmother 4.____ an ambition when she flew to Australia to visit my uncle. All her life, she has had a fear of heights so she never had to 5.___ this obstacle because she wanted to 6.___ her grandson`s wedding. While she was in Australia, she 7.___ her visit, and she travelled to Cairns, Perth, Sydney and Melbourne.

Grammar. Task 4

1. Five sentences in 1-10 contain mistakes. Tick the correct sentences and cross the incorrect ones. Then correct the incorrect sentences.

  1. Will she have become a doctor if her mother hadn`t been one?

  2. He`d have worked harder in French lessons if he has a French penfriend.

  3. If he`d been ill on the day of the exam, could he have taken it at another time?

  4. If I`d enjoyed studying, I had have gone to University.

  5. If she`d left home earlier, would she have got to the interview on time?

  6. My parents wouldn’t have been angry if I`d phoned and told them where I was.

  7. If I hadn’t sleep late this morning, I won`t have missed breakfast.

  8. Can she have got the job if she hadn`t known the boss?

  9. I wouldn’t known anything about Picasso if we hadn’t learnt about him at school.

  10. A lot of people hadn’t been successful if they had been discouraged by their failures.

2. Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets.

1. The Tree House Hotel ____ (build) in a forest in Scotland.

2. The hotel ___ (design) by a Brazilian architect.

3. The rooms ___ (link) by 10 metre high walkways between the trees.

4. The guests` meals ___ (deliver) in bags which they will pull into the tree.

5. Reservations ___ (not accept) at the moment because the rooms won`t be ready for two years.

3. Complete the sentences with the correct alternatives.

1. The Wigwam Motel, Arizona __ of Native American tents.

A. is making B. is made. C. were made. D. has been made.

  1. The Motel __by the Lewis family in the 1950s.

A. has been started B. was started. C. is being started. D. started.

  1. Today, the motel ___ by members of the same family.

A. is managed B. was managed. C. will be managed. D. has been managed.

  1. The wigwams __ from cloth or animal skins.

A. aren’t being made B. hadn’t been made. C. isn’t made. D. aren’t made.

  1. Between the 1930s and 50s, several wigwam motels ___ in the US.

A. are being built B. hadn’t been built. C. were built. D. will be built.


1. Make a dialogue:

Student A

You call “Sport centre” to find out more information about the activities they offer.

You begin the conversation.

  • Tell them when you want to go there.

  • Ask about prices and how dangerous the activities are.

  • Book at least one activity.

Student B

You work for “Sport centre”. Someone calls you to ask about the activities you offer.

  • Say which activities are available at the time he/she wants to come.

  • Give a brief description of two activities.

  • Encourage him/her to book more than one activity.

2. Imagine that you work as a personal coach. Try to give at least two pieces of advice for each situation:

What advice would you give to someone who…

  • Wants to make a good impression on a first date?

  • Has problems remembering appointments and birthdays?

  • Wants to earn some extra money to be able to go on holiday?

  • Needs to find out some information on Einstein for a class presentation?

  • Is having problems keeping up with English lessons?

  • Wants to make a good impression for a college / job interview?

Контрольная работа по английскому языку за I полугодие 2 вариант (7 класс) по учебнику М.Вербицкой «Forward»

МБОУ СОШ №2 с.Арзгир

Ф.И.__________________________________ Класс______

Test (Form 7, I semester)

Variant 2

  1. Read the text. Circle the right answer.

After inventing dynamite Swedish-born Alfred Nobel became a very rich man. However, he realized its destructive powers too late. Nobel preferred not to be remembered as the inventor of dynamite, so in 1895, just two weeks before his death, he created a fund to be used for awarding prizes to people who made worthwhile contributions to mankind. Originally there were five awards: literature, physics, chemistry, medicine and peace. Economics was added in 1968, just sixty-seven years after the first awards ceremony.

Nobel’s original legacy of nine million dollars was invested, and the interest of this sum is used for tile awards which vary from $30,000 to $125,000.

Every year on December 10, the anniversary of Nobel’s death, the awards (gold medal, illuminated diploma and money) are presented to the winners.

No awards were presented from 1940 to 1942 at the beginning of World War II. Some people have won two prizes, but this is rare; others have shared their prizes.

1. When was the fund for awarding Nobel prizes founded?

1) in 1895 2) in 1940 3) in 1942 4) in 1968

2. Why was the Nobel prize established?

1) to recognize worthwhile contributions to humanity

2) to resolve political differences

3) to honor the inventor of dynamite

4) to spend money

3. In which area have people received awards since 1968?

1) literature 2) peace 3) economics 4) science

4. In how many fields are prizes given?

1) four 2) five 3) six 4) tell

  1. Read the people’s opinions about zoos.


Zoos do a lot for animals. They educate people about animals and they finance a lot of research.


I like visiting zoos if the animals have lots of space. Some zoos are great!


Zoos are cruel. Animals need to be free, not closed in cages.

Are they for or against zoos? Put a tick (V) or a cross (X) near each speaker’s name.




  1. Circle the right form of the adjective in each sentence.

Model: 0. This is the slowest/ the most slow/ the slower bus in the world!


The most quick/ The quickest/ The quicker way for me to get to school is by bike.


The enjoyablest/ The most enjoyable/ The more enjoyable lesson of the week is English.


This hotel is the cheapest/ the most cheap/ the cheaper in our town.

  1. Complete the sentences with the absolute forms of the pronouns.


Whose bicycle is this? It’s Sally’s. It’s hers.


Whose pen is this? It’s Trevor’s. It’s _______ .


Whose house is this? It’s Jack and Jill’s. It’s _______ .


Is this pen mine or Trevor’s? It’s not Trevor’s. It’s _______ .


Is this Lord or Lady Forrester’s house? Yes, it is. It’s _______ .

  1. Write sentences with the correct forms (Past Simple or Past Continuous) of the verbs.


John and Jill have lunch/ Jenny arrive

John and Jill were having lunch when Jenny arrived .


Peter and Maria do homework/ their father come in



Lisa listen to music/ Pauline and Steve leave


Key to Test (Form 7, I semester)

Variant 2



















The quickest way for me to get to school is by bike.


The most enjoyable lesson of the week is English.


This hotel is the cheapest in our town.



Whose pen is this? It’s Trevor’s. It’s his .


Whose house is this? It’s Jack and Jill’s. It’s theirs .


Is this pen mine or Trevor’s? It’s not Trevor’s. It’s mine .


Is this Lord or Lady Forrester’s house? Yes, it is. It’s theirs .



Peter and Maria do homework/ their father come in

Peter ana Maria were doing homework when their father came in .


Lisa listen to music/ Pauline and Steve leave

Lisa was listening to music when Pauline and Steve left .

Контрольная работа по английскому языку за 2 четверть по УМК «FORWARD» (5 класс)

Control work for the 5th Grade


Task 1. Listen to the speaker and write the names of the children according to their interests.

Sandy Phil Mary David

  1. He / she is interested in history.

  2. His / her hobby is walking in mountains and surfing.

  3. His / her little brothers and sisters like watching cartoons.

  4. He / she is interested in collecting rocks.


Task 2. Read the story and choose the right answer.

A good girl

Two little girls, Lizzie, six, and Kate, seven, went shopping with their mum. They were looking for hats, shoes and coats. Mother bought new shoes for them. The girls came home wearing them. After lunch their brother and dad went fishing, and the girls wanted to go to the river, too. They liked swimming it was a hot day. ‘Ok, but change your shoes. You mustn’t dive girls,’ their mum said.

When they were walking through wet grass and mud down to the riverbank, Kate said: ‘Lizzie! Mum’s going to be very angry! She told you to change your shoes!’

‘I did,’ Lizzie said. ‘These are yours.’

  1. Kate is…

  1. 5 b. 6 c. 7

  1. Kate and Lizzie are…

  1. Sisters b. friends c. cousins

  1. The girls got new…

  1. Hats b. shoes c. coats

  1. The girls went …

  1. Fishing b. swimming c. diving

  1. Lizzie was wearing …

  1. Her new shoes b. Kate’s old shoes c. Kate’s new shoes

Grammar and writing

Task 3. Complete the sentences using degrees of comparison.

  1. Moscow is __________ (big) city in Russia.

  2. Its population is ________ (large) than population of some countries.

  3. This text is ________ (easy) than the last one.

  4. Who is _______ (tall) student in your class?

  5. Who is your ________ (good) friend?

Task 4. Compete the sentences using an adjective or an adverb.

  1. Small children can be very _________ (noisy / noisily).

  2. My American friend speaks too ___________ (quick / quickly)

  3. This text is ____________ (easy / easily).

  4. I can ________ (easy / easily) do this exercise.

Task 5. Translate the following sentences using the modal verb must or mustn’t.

call a doctor eat many sweets be late for school get up earlier

  1. Он должен раньше вставать.

  2. Сэм должен позвонить доктору.

  3. Тебе нельзя есть много конфет.

  4. Кейт нельзя опаздывать в школу.

Контрольная работа по английскому языку за 2 четверть к УМК Вербицкая

Контрольная работа за 2 четверть. 6 класс, учебник «Forward»


Christmas is a home and family celebration in Britain. Those who live away try to get back home. Christmas is the biggest holiday of the year. As Christmas nears, everyone buys Christmas presents for friends and relatives. Christmas people try to give children everything they want. Children count the weeks, then the days to Christmas. On Christmas Eve, families and friends gather for the festivities. Housewives are busy preparing food, and children are sent to bed. They are told that if they don’t go to sleep, Father Christmas will not bring them any presents. Then, when they are asleep, the parents come into their bedrooms and leave the presents near their beds, or under the Christmas tree, or in a stocking hanging up somewhere in the room.

1.This text is about… a) Christmas presents    b) Father Christmas c) Christmas celebrations   d) the Christmas tree

 2.When Christmas comes, the children are given presents… a) at the Christmas table.  b) in the streets. c) at schools.   d) at home

3.Which sentence is wrong? a)   Christmas is a family holiday. b)  Presents are usually given at Christmas. c) At Christmas, children usually don’t go to sleep. d)      Children find their presents near their beds, under the Christmas tree or in a stocking.

4.Choose a title. a) British Children  b) British Christmas c) Christmas parties   d) British Homes

II Writing

1.Напишите предложения в Present Simple или Present Continuous.

1. I … to the music now. (listen) 2. They … the homework now. (do) 3.He usually … lunch at 2 p.m. (have) 4. … you … TV at the moment? 5. Look! Nevita ……… a letter now. (write)

2. Напишите предложения, употребив глаголы в страдательном залоге. Переведите предложения.

1.She ……….. to a party. (invite) 2.English …….. all over the country. (speak) 3. What …..they …..?(call)

3. Напишите несколько предложений (4-5) о погоде в данных странах.

4.Опишите людей на картинке: рост , телосложение, волосы, лицо, глаза.

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